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7 years ago

Seven years have passed - still think of you. Thanks for looking over everyone. Ross

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8 years ago

My darling Victor, 6. Years ago today you left for a bounce across the universe. We spent our lives together until the end.. i was your wife and your last words to me were I love and me in the universe forever baby... love you forever, mary xxxx

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9 years ago

You have me this Victor your sunshine our whole lives we have been together if not in person but in spirit. You were my only true love Sylvia

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9 years ago

Darling Victor that photo so long ago and we were so young did we know at that time that I would be the last person to be with you. My hand is holding onto you as it did 38 years ago. I will never forget you but we will meet up on a different existence I'm am sure of it

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9 years ago

The last words you ever said to me goodby beautiful I love you and have always loved you you have been in my life forever and then the train left taking me from you and a week later you died. I am glad I was the last person to touch you I have that at least RIP you are now at rest,...................... Xx

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9 years ago

I found this old photo and wanted to share it with everyone seeing as how the last photo I posted was of is a few years ago. This photo is about 38 years old victor 23 and me 21 miss you babe and think of you often All my love Sylvia xxxxxxxxx

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9 years ago

You should be ashamed of yourself Mary trying to get the Konowalemko money after Vic died. You were not with him you liar. You deserve ...........

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9 years ago

I justt found this site thanks to a friend of both you and me. Victor what can I say you were my first love and you were my last love. You know what you meant to me Love you Babe. Happy birthday Sylvia xxxxxx (sillyweare) Sunshine x

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10 years ago

it's 12 years i left from Sydney and can not contact you I was shocked to hear this news Thank you for you helping when i was in Aus I always miss you

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12 years ago

xxxxxxxxxx mary babe xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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12 years ago

happy birthday babe! or should i say...happy birth week!~ you would have turned 58 today and we would have been in south america celebrating........I miss you with all my heart......I know you are next to you babe......mary babe xxxx

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12 years ago

victor is now 2 years ago that you last told me you loved me and I told you that I loved you...our last works spoken to each other...I take comfort in that...our love will never die.............your prediction so far is true, they just don't get it.....always my love, forever and then we meet again... ..mary babe xxx

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Ross Konowalenko
12 years ago

Hi Vic, When I last spoke to Nick and Helen they told me you were in a good place and all happy to be reunited. Thank you for looking after each of us and that you are always there to guide, protect and comfort those of us still on the journey in this plane.Thanks mate. With love. Rosko

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12 years ago

victor one could ever understand the love we is lonely without you.......but you are always with me, not a day goes by without and me in the universe forever babe...just like we promised 20 years ago...forever yours.........Mary babe xxxxxx

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12 years ago

hi is almost 2 years since I lost one will or could ever replace you as the love of my life.....I miss you will all my is now just me and the never got to meet Puck but he knows all about you....i am all the better for having had you in my life, i miss you, i love you..victor you, mary babe...yo! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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12 years ago

am missing you with every day soon we will go for a bounce again together......loving you babe.....Mary babe xxxxxxxx

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12 years ago

i am missing you with all my heart..................xxxxxxxx..........

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12 years ago

Hi Victor, I have just been reading Mary's messages and find myself in tears. The bond the two of you shared was very special. Most people only dream of experiencing that. I never got a chance to thankyou for helping me through Mary's illness. It scared us to the very core of our being. Our long conversations helped me help her. Now to end on a brighter note, I'll never forget (even though I have tried) the time you answered the door starkers. It still makes Mary and I laugh. Miss you always Creene (the Latrine as you use to say;) )

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Ruth Francis
12 years ago

I was wondering where Victor was these days and googled his name, I am sad to see he passed , we spent time together when I was a young art student, I remember desperatly needing some shoes and he came homw with a small heart shaped bag, with the tiniest pair of porcelin shoes you could imagine, I still have them! I am so glad he found love with you Mary, you have lost a special person, unique in every way. Bless x

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12 years ago

Dear Ruth....are you the Ruth from new Zealand?:-) Victor often spoke of you...I know you were special to him.....I have your photo or three! in one of our albums....yes, he was the love of my life...very special in so many ways.....we were together for over 20 years until the end....please let me know if you are Ruth from new Zealand, i can scan and email you some photos...i would love to know how you email is miss him soooo very much,,,,,love Mary

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12 years ago

i am missing you with each breath.....i;m at a loss without you.......

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12 years ago

Darling, I couldn't bring myself to write on valentines day, I was missing you soo much....I missed you on my birthday...we would have been in south america now....i love you and miss you with all my heart, Mary babe xxxxxxxxx

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13 years ago

Victor babe, it is your year, the year of the dragon...though you are not here, I know it is now your year all the time...I miss you everyday with all my heart....I felt your breath today....I know you are with me in spirit......Lysterfield says hello, she has a new husband, Puck, you would have loved him, but I suspect you know all about are with me always my love, mary babe xxxx

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13 years ago

it was a year ago that I was well enough to go home to Armidale and we were together ....I remind myself of your voice everyday...I am missing you so very much babe....mary babe, victor babe, yo habibi....i love you victor, I miss you so much that my heart will never be the same.... xxxx

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13 years ago

I keep seeing you in my dreams darling but i can't wake you up....I'm missing you sooooo very much and know I am doing your wishes xxxxx

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13 years ago

i am missing you sooo much today it hurts...i wish you were here to talk, I miss your advice and your love....xxxx

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13 years ago

missing you darling......xxxxx

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13 years ago

Victor babe, not a day goes by when you are not in my heart.......I realised today that your energy, wherever you are, has me with you......i love you forever

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13 years ago

mary babe...victor babe......walked through the city the other day with tears in my missing you still with every breath.....I can't believe you left me here without missing you...I am soooo sorry for all the times I was cranky with you, please know I loved you with all my heart......xxxxx

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13 years ago

Victor babe......I am missing you sooo very much..i love you ....mary babe......xxxxxx

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13 years ago

Darling, tonight i imagined you walking through the door........I am missing you so very much, my heart still aches.....i loved and still love you so much.... we will be together again...xx

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13 years ago

victor babe......I can't believe after 21 years together, through accidents, through love and joy, through family and friends and through cancer, i have to prove that we were together.....I knew you hated paperwork but this has left me with stress........I think to our discussions of philosophy and to (I hope i get this right from memory), Socrates....who through the state had to drink the hemlock......I know you had so much faith and belief in philosophy, you mentioned it was your saviour....thought....I will trust in what we believed.....put my belief in you, present what is only the truth, this is all I can do......there is no point in being upset that you didn't put things onto place, we didn't expect this.....I miss you with every breath, I love you with all my heart.......I will trust in justice and know that you are there waiting for me and watching to make sure that justice of the state you, Mary babe xxx

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13 years ago

Today is 19 years to the day that I started my teaching job. I only got this job because you took in my resume at the last moment. Everyday I miss you.....i have our videos and your stories but it is way too soon for me to watch and read.....i know one day we will be together again....victor babe....mary babe...l lubba you .xoxoxo

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13 years ago

Victor isn't getting easier without you....I can't believe you are not here....I hope you know how much I loved you.....Mary babe....xxxxx

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13 years ago

Victor dear, I am so sorry that you have gone from us. But your spirit and my memory of you lives large. You were a huge character. I think of you and recall your enormous heart and the fun we had teaching your Japanese students. I get a flood of memories and laugh out loud. I don't know where to begin. I recall you chopping up your birthday cake in your favourite Thai restaurant. I remember you fretting over the lost bus on our excursion to the farm. Your magnetism and your huge heart made all the people around you trust you, even in your moments of madness I recall. I remember meeting up with yuo again at Uni. Somehow you were always around the corner. I miss you and my eyes flood with tears. Take care of you and please take care of Mary. We love her too! Best wishes and lots of love in your travels across Thailand and the Bay of Islands. Until we meet again.....Fotoula.

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13 years ago

Hi Fotoula, thank you for your memories......I miss Victor is soo very hard not having him with me......xx

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Amanda Chapman
14 years ago

I too came serendipitiously by this tribute site; there could only ever be one beautiful Victor and having read the lovely tributes I know this is the young man with whom I spent many happy times during the late seventies. He lived with Lyle in Artarmon, he featured in an advertisement for Amco jeans, we saw 'Midnight Express' and an Athol Fugard play together, we drove around in his MG and hung out on the beach. He brought me salads and we ate Mexican. He climbed in my window with a flower in his mouth when I lived in Elizabeth Bay. So I was much amused to read about him still climbing through windows. A vivacious, free-spirited and fun person is how I remember Victor. I was so pleased to read about his amazing academic achievements and what a wonderful success he made of his life. Also to know he found a soul mate and travelled and loved and lived so well. I am sorry for your loss Mary. He was gorgeous when he was young and I can only imagine what a really lovely time you must have had with Victor. Kind Thoughts Mandy

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13 years ago

Victor babe.....the last few weeks have been incredibly hard...I have gone back to work but you are not there for me to call each lunchtime....I cry as i drive to work, missing you...I know you will be there one day waiting for me when it is my time to meet you, this keeps me going ....I remember our time in Florence and Rome...I'm not sure if i could ever go there again without you... next week will be the first time you miss my birthday since we met 21 years ago....I think you will be here for me........I'll be hoping.... Love you babe, Victor babe, m xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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13 years ago

Hi Amanda, wow, so lovely to hear your memories of Victor. he told me lots about his time in Artarmon....yes, he did make something of his life, graduated from university, was such a gifted teacher yet still remained challenging those around him and having fun........I miss him everyday, I think I have cried everyday.....I have all his stories which I need to put up on this site, he had his early childhood poems accepted by a publisher but didn't finish his short stories in time, I want to do this in his honour....... mary :-)

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Amanda Chapman
13 years ago

Hi Mary, Lovely to read your message to me. It is not even five months since Victor bounced off and I know the first year with the anniversaries is always the most difficult but it does get better. I look forward to reading his short stories and/or poems. What a lovely tribute to this man who really did go on to make such a success of his life! He was just gorgeous when he was young and obviously just the same and lots of fun as he got older. I always think of his beautiful smile and his eyes! You were blessed to have him in your life. Take care and kind thoughts, Amanda (Mandy)

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13 years ago

Hi Amanda, :-) thank you for your kind words....yes, I am finding things hard.....I have now returned back to work so that can take my mind off things....there is not a day that goes by when I don't think of victor. I will hopefully be able to face his stories soon and all the videos.....just a little too soon for me yet, please keep in touch, Mary :-)

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13 years ago

Victor babe........Mary babe......Victor babe.......Mary babe........ :-) I can feel you with me, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Amanda Chapman
14 years ago

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13 years ago

:-) what a wonderful photo! he never lost that twinkle in his eyes! :-)

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Amanda Chapman
14 years ago

I too came upon this page serendipitiously and I realised with sadness there could only be one Victor; the gorgeous free-spirited young man with whom I spent so many happy times when he lived in Artarmon with Lyle, featured in Amco jean advertisements and I seem to recall was attending acting school ; this was during the late seventies. I still have a photo of him as a very young man on Manly beach on New Year's Day 1978 pinned to the wall here in my study. We saw 'Midnight Express' and an Athol Fugard play together, there were beach days, Chinese dinners and Luna Park outings. I was so pleased to read of Victor's amazing academic success and his achievements. And I could well picture him climbing through a window and bouncing into a classroom. I am sorry for your loss Mary but happy to know that he found someone wonderful with whom to share his life. I have often wondered what happened to gorgeous Victor. Thinking of you. Mandy

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14 years ago

I was lost today, the day before australia day...I went to the bowlo and saw Jimmy and margaret and they mentioned how they only just heard about you passing but i had put out the word. I cried......i miss you soooo very much babe, especially today......each day a struggle.....I remember our days when we would come here and listen to the bands.....they played mustang sally which was your favourite and I cried....forever in my heart.....miss you victor babe, I love you.....xxxxx mary babe...each day is closer till i see you....xxxxx

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Amanda Chapman
14 years ago

Hi Mary Just to say I am sorry to hear about your loss. I don't know if you will receive this but I hope you do. Victor was a lovely, lovely part of my life in the seventies. I have a picture of him on my wall in my study. It seemed he did so much with his life. I was really interested to read your beautiful eulogy. Take care Amanda Chapman in Sunshine Beach, Queensland

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14 years ago

I go back to work this week after two were the reason I got this job....I will miss you soooo very much......xxxx

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14 years ago

Victor i registered for us to have our name in lights for 15 seconds on the face of the Australian museum for the sydney festival...I will take a photo of your name and post it here......I am missing you sooo very much and you are with me always in my you, mary babe

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14 years ago

my favourite memory of new years eve with victor was when we left our little loft in liverpool street and wandered through chinatown. when the fireworks went off we hugged and kissed each other for the new year then strolled home holding hands......I will miss you this new year Victor babe....I think of you everyday and will take you with me into 2011. Happy New Year babe, I love you xxx

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14 years ago

this will be the first christmas since 1990 that I spend without happiest memories are us hiring a trolley and taking off, we loved merimbula and Picton...I'll miss you so very much but will keep your memory alive ...merry christmas victor you, yo! mary babe xxxxxxx

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14 years ago

tonight my friend Kim from school took me out to dinner to the chinese restaurant we used to frequent regularly for yum cha....I couldn't sit at the same tables we sat at and missed you so much my heart hurt and I had tears in my are forever alive my darling, I love you still and miss you with every breath...xxxxxxxx

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14 years ago

I have all our christmas decorations but haven't been able to put them up until today...I have only managed a few....we always went on a road trip at christmas, exploring and having fun, my favourite memory was the service station in kangaroo valley when we couldn't stop laughing, you were laughing soooo hard you couldn't get the van into gear to missing you so very much victor babe.....xoxoxo

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14 years ago

You made three short films that were so much fun....I am having them transferred to dvd so I can post them on your wall...I will also retype your stories and share with all....miss you so much, love you forever......i know your signs are geckos and kites, will always look for them....xoxox

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14 years ago

we discussed the ontological argument for the existence of God......last night I dreamed of you and a were on a path on a cliff looking for me, I was calling for you......nothing seems real without you....I keep repeating Mary babe, pretending you are there, calling me......I miss you soooooooooooooooooo much, Victor babe..... xxx

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14 years ago

no words is now taking it minute by missing you sooooo very much I can't breathe....xxxxxxxxxxx

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14 years ago

Hey Vic summer at Seal Rocks partying hard talking your way into and out of everything, everywhere at once, miss those times and you. Gone for now, the energy remains. Peace brother.

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14 years ago

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14 years ago

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