O grandma I miss you so much and I know you would have something amazing to say to encourage in this hard time my family is having. I see you in Anadi and am sure I will in Zayde as well. I think you would be proud of me in sure trying hard out her in this hologram of life. I love you dearly and am glad you are free.

dear sister i sure miss you. i understand you drew quite a crowd for your memorial service in the mountains. i haven't received any special mesages from you, you may have to try a little harder to get through to me. if not i will probably see you soon. say hello to everyone for me.
love from your brother mike

Vicki and I have had many occasions to talk over and solve the world problems, during our outside smoking sessions. Either on my back deck or Debbie and Danny's front porch, We have hashed and trashed all of the NON-Smoking weenies on our breaks from the regular Saturday night poker sessions. What and who we talked about shall remain our secret till eternity(SO DON"T ASK) Dick

Please join us as we celebrate our mothers life-June 12, 2010 at Reynalds Park from 10 am. to 4 pm. Our Mom's wishes were that people would come eat, laugh, and remember the bueaty of life, her life. She told us often right before she passed that she was about to embark on the greatest journey she's ever had and she knew her death was really new life free from sickness, disease, pain, and sorrow. We will plant her flowers, and a tree in her honor in the beautiful mountains she loved so much. We are provideing meat for a cook out feel free to bring a side dish to share and come enjoy the Majesty of this wonderful spot we can all enjoy over and over again. To get to Renyalds Park you take hwy 285 towards Evergreen, just past the exit to Evergreen is Foxton Rd exit take that exit go left and follow the Rd 5.5 miles toward Deckers and you will run right into Renyalds Park, it will be the first parking area on the right side of the rd. We look forward to seeing everyone then. Steve, Kari and Debbie Sue

You're all invited to share in the Celebration of life for our mother Vicki Randolph
It will be held on Sat. June 12, 2010
starting at 10a.m.
Location: Reynolds Park
Please bring a side dish or a dessert.
RSVP @ 303-916-8326 Debbie

i miss you grandma. see you in a minute. <3

She had become my best friend over the years. We did lots of things together
We went to Blackhawk, and to lots of Rock and Mineral Shows, and many
things in between. We made jewelry and tried to sell it at various places. We
also had yard sales and went to the flea market together. We didn't always sell
alot, but we had fun doing it. We went shopping alot at Goodwill and ARC and
sometimes found unbelievable deals!
Vicki had a sense of humor that helped me get through lots of issues and in
turn I helped her get through some things.
I was proud to call Vicki my friend, for the way she dealt with her COPD and
cancer. She had very few bad days and alot more happy ones.
Vicki had a zestfor life and enjoyed making people happy. She's such a special person and I will miss her, until I see her again.

best grandma ever? i would have to say so.(= love you lots. <33

I met Vicki when my sister Trudy was in the same 6th grade class with her. Vicki and Trudy were life long friends and I grew to know Vicki as a most impportant person in Trudy's life.When Trudy wfighting withour parents, she decided to run away- age of 11 maybe!- Of course Vicki hid her and kept her hidden for what seems like a long time. I'm sure it was only a day but Vicki was tru to her friend. She remained that true friend forever. I hope they are both together, laughing about their adventures and knowing they were loved. I will miss Vicki.
Pam Pressel, Trudy's big sister.

I have never had the privilege of meeting Vicki, but I have had the privilege of knowing her daughter Kari for over 15 years now. She should be very proud of the amazing daughter she has raised.
After reading many of these tributes I can tell that Kari is much like her Mother. She is non judging, she is kind, she has unwavering faith, she is strong and she is dedicated to those she loves. Kari you are an inspiration to me and I am so impressed with the way you have chosen to handle your mothers illness and her passing.
I so admired the care, compassion and love that the family displayed to Vicki in these last few months since she was diagnosed with cancer. Your commitment to her and her well being was honorable and touching. I pray that you and your family will find peace in her passing knowing that she is no longer suffering.
To quote a Native American Proverb, "they are not gone who live in the hearts left behind" Vicki's memories can never be taken away. Celebrate her Life!
With heartfelt sympathy,
Laura Fincken

Aunt Vicki was one of the most caring, nonjudgmental people I know. She was strong in her faith and loved her family. She always had good advice and her laugh would always make you smile. She radiated joy and love til the end. I have rarely met a woman so strong.
You will be greatly missed, Vicki, but we are better people for having you in our lives. I know you are at peace where you are and will always watch over us. Jesus is lucky to have you.

Vicki and my mom were best friends and I always looked at Vicki as a second mom growing up. Not to mention my sister and kari were friends too! Death is something that some think about everyday and others think about as little as possible. But when it comes around it affects all of us. I'm going to miss Vicki and I know she's resting now with my mom in a better place.

It has been an honor and a privilege to be apart of Vicks life weather it was going threw trials and tribulations or just hanging out and having a good time. We had are ups and downs in the fifteen years of knowing one another. I came to be apart of her loving family in December of 1995. Right away I loved them all. They all made me feel welcome. I have Vicks first born grand daughter. Vicks middle name is Lee and my moms first name is Lee. So it made it very easy to honor both grandparents buy giving my daughter Lee as a middle name. Mykinzie Lee is now 13 and will turn 14 in less than two months. I also have a son Dakota who is not related by blood. That never mattered to Vicki she took my son and my husband in as family and never treated them any differently then she did her other children or grandchildren. My husband has been estranged from his blood relations leaving Dakota with no real aunts uncles or grandparents to speak of on his dads side. Vicki stepped right in there and filled that void of lose for him. I cant even began to tell you how very much that has meant to my husband and I! She was the very best grandma any kid could possible ask for. Even in her last days she showed so much love for all. She would tell the children not to be sad or afraid as she was going on a great journey and that we will all meet again. She lived life to the fullest. I was lucky enough to have meet Vicki before she became ill. We would go camping and ride motorcycles. And yes if your asking did Vicki ride. She did and it was a lot of fun. One year we went pine cone hunting and she showed me how to make some pretty unique Christmas reefs‘. They took some time to make but they were well worth the time. Not to mention I enjoyed her company for months on end as we worked side by side making them laughing and sharing with one another. Vicki you truly were a grand lady in my eyes and will truly be missed in tell we meet again. We all feel sorrow in missing you but I promise you will never be forgotten or unloved. My promise to you is to do the very best I know how in raising two out of the five of your grand kids and always being there for the other three. In tell we meet again my dear lady I will love you to the end of the earth may you dance at the feet of Jesus.
Sincerely Kandy Margheim

Words alone can never fully convey, the love, respect, and admiration, I have for you mom. You never gave up on me and never failed me. You truly are a gift from God, a blessing beyond compare. Of the many things you taught me, I will always remember that, judgment is God’s alone, and as you would always say; “unless we have walked in someone else’s shoes, we have no business judging them.”
You were a woman of principal, doing the right thing came natural to you, your selfless love of others and ability to accept the rejected time after time, are qualities only the rarest of people posses. When you made a mistake, you would admit your fault, and move on learning and teaching at the same time. I watched you closely and admired the strong woman I saw. Always encouraging, never giving up, seeing the best in people, as well as, calling them on their stuff were all things I admired.
As we walked this last journey together, us, our family, you had every reason to be angry, disappointed, frustrated; yet you kept a smile, encouraged us to trust God, and danced when others would have cried, telling us I will be singing for Jesus…
I miss you Mom and I love you more than words can say…
See you in Heaven when we will once again dance…
Love Your son

Of all the journeys I have taken with my mother her last journey is the freshest on my mind, the journey from this life into the next. Awe mom thank you for all you have taught me, thank you for allowing me to walk the last journey with you, it was my honor and blessing to help care for you and comfort you, I will truley miss you, but I am soooooo greatful I know that you will never be sick again, never see death again and there will be no more sorrow for you. I love you mom and I thank you Lord for coming to bring my mama home. I'll see you in a min. mom

I will always miss your beautiful smile!

love and miss you!

Thank you for the laughters and the memories of our crazy adventures. I will never forget the times we spent together. The rides as a child, going to the hills as an adult , our trip to Alaska and just kicking back and playing games. Love you alway! Miss U
14 years agoThis was one of my moms favorite pictures of Me and Mykinzie