When a freind of mind asked me to help him one night I didn't take him serious ( I couldn't event deal with my owm problems night terrors an night sweats along with flashbacks). And when I woke up next morning and found him (I had been with the medics for about seven months at this time but what else cound I do but try to save him). I found him in the morning greyise in color an with rigermortis starting, the body was cold to the touch, with the smell of death starting.
I tried CPR for thirty or forty five mintues, and thou he was cold to the touch and greyise in color (I had to try somethind, (I knew he was gone-but I had to try). The next day they had me on board a small plane to ship back to the main base to discharge out and ship me home, there also was a casket with an officer that had been killed and was
being fast tracked stateside home, doing the entire plane ride I had to lean agaist the casket because the size of the plane, the entire plane ride (I was ninteen years old at this time) I live with the feelings on a daily basic that I should have been the one to die, instead of coming back home. This is just of anumber of things I have to live with with on a daily basic. I have always needed help (maybe long term inhospital if need be. I just can,t set down for at a pysward for a half of hour an talk about this, It's to hard with all the memberies that over flooding me. I need help they turndown my claims for help, I really don't understane. When I try to talk to people, I am over whelm and flound to many flashbacks, nightsweats and terrors. MY first week back from overseas I wrote a letter to the VA stating I needed help, the tremmors were so bad I couldn't raise a fork of food to my month without lossing it all do to shaking, Along with the dreams and terrors of being aroud people. The night sweat were so bad my bedd an sheets were so wet I could sleep in bed without everything being change. I went overseas in most of 1968-an part of 1969 to were it was suppose tobe safe, untill infilltrators (nort korean commandoes) our compound was attacked twice with many fire bomds taking ouy our powerplant an several gas tankers along with anumber of buildings and warehouses during the secound attackanother perpson lost his life, again I feel it eas up to me to save his life, this also effects me daily. (I shoud have died) this isn't all the things that are with me daily. I need help I didn't have any typ of problems when I went into the service 9but they have said it's my own fault ( I was eighteen when I went into the sevice, I had never been in trouble with law ( no recode at all) (I was totally into year roud sports and didn't drind ro smoke. (help If You can)
thomas l. hull
541 6834258

Each one of the veterans matters and we respect them all. No matter your political view, no matter who or how you are today, these people decided to make a sacrifice for something bigger and we ADMIRE their service. Thank you this Veterans Day and I send my deepest blessings.