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17 years ago

Oh, how my heart would spend itself, to bless; It hath such need to prove its tenderness! And yet what heart can my heart comprehend? What heart shall always love me without end? All — all in vain for such return seek I; Jesus alone my soul can satisfy. Naught else contents or charms me here below; Created things no lasting joy bestow. My peace, my joy, my love, O Christ! ’Tis Thou alone! Thou hast sufficed. Thou didst know how to make a mother’s heart; Tenderest of fathers, Lord! to me Thou art. My only Love, Jesus, Divinest Word! More than maternal is Thy heart, dear Lord! Each moment Thou my way dost guard and guide; I call — at once I find Thee at my side — And if, sometimes Thou hid’st Thy face from me, Thou com’st Thyself to help me seek for Thee. Thee, Thee, alone I choose: I am Thy bride. Unto Thy arms I hasten, there to hide. Thee would I love, as little children love; For Thee, like warrior bold, my love I’d prove. Now, like to children, full of joy and glee, So come I, Lord! to show my love to Thee; Yet, like a warrior bold with high elation, Rush I to combats in my blest vocation. Thy Heart is Guardian of our innocence; Not once shall it deceive my confidence. Wholly my hopes are placed in Thee, dear Lord! After long exile, I Thy Face adored In heaven shall see. When clouds the skies o’er­spread. To Thee, my Jesus! I lift up my head; For, in Thy tender glance, these words I see: “O child! I made My radiant heaven for thee.” I know it well — my burning tears and sighs Are full of charm for Thy benignant eyes. Strong seraphs form in heaven Thy court divine, Yet Thou dost seek this poor weak heart of mine. Ah! take my heart! Jesus, ‘tis Thine alone; All my desires I yield to Thee, my Own! And all my friends, that are so loved by me, No longer will I love them, save in Thee!

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17 years ago

Da li jos postoji neko kao Ti? Ne,samo su Tvoje oci bile tako blage ,a glas andjela i bozja lepota !Zauvek ostajes u nasim srcima! Ivana,Jelena i Nadezda

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17 years ago

vecno ke te sakame Toшeнце нас во срцата наши ќе носиме .Ангелу нас почивај во мир .И чувајне сите од горе и пеј заедно со ангелите .Со голема тага во срцето останавме ,но тука се твоите песни да ја ублазат насата болка срценце наше.

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17 years ago

TOSE ANGELU MOJ.Angel bese na zemjata no prerano ne napusti i sega si ANGEL na neboto.Ne sakase site i ne cuvase site.Ne mozese da bides na site mesta vo isto vreme kade sto sakase da bides,pa mozebi zatoa ova se sluci.Ne napusti nas no sega site ne gledas i ne cuvas od GORE.Angelu....te sakame i nikogas nema da te zaboravime.Cuvaj ne i pejgi tvoite angelski pesni.Nasite pogledi se nakajtebe nasoceni sekogas.TE SAKAM

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17 years ago

tose te sakam

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17 years ago

toska na site ni falis sega ostanuva samo da prodolzime kako sto ne nauci ti da se sakame i da te slusame tebe koj ni gi polnis srcata so tvojot angelski glas.Fala ti za prekrasnite pesni koi ni gi podari.Te obozavam....

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17 years ago

Go gledam tvoeto prekrasno lice i nasmevka,go slusam tvojot angelski glas i nemozam i nesakam da poveruvam deka ne si veke so nas!Te sakame beskrajno i sekogas ke zivees vo nasite srca!

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17 years ago

I koga ne si kraj nas ti si vo nasite srca!

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17 years ago

angelu nas iako zamina ti sekogas ke bides so nas i vo nas bidejki Golemite luge nikogas ne zaminuvaat tie ostanuvaat vecno.Cesta bese nasa sto te imavme.Ti si nesto neobjasnivo , nepoftorlivo i neprocenlivo duhovno bogatstvo.TE SAKAM.

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17 years ago

angel4e nase milo znamdeka ne gledas od neboto ,zatoa cuvaj ne zosto toa ni e potrebno te sakame najvise na cel univerzum

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17 years ago

neki kazu da Bog po nekad ubere najljepsi cvijet iz zemaljske baste da ukrasava svoje odaje.Nadam se da si dao primjer svim ljudima u ex ju prostorima.Sandra Niksic

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17 years ago

When I have no one to turn to And I am feeling kind of low, When there is no one to talk to And nowhere I want to go, I search deep within myself It is the love inside my heart That lets me know my Angels are there Even though we are miles apart. A smile then appears upon my face And the sun begins to shine. I hear a voice, so soft and sweet Saying, 'Everything will be just fine' It may seem that I am alone But I am never by myself at all. Whenever I need my Angels near All I have to do is call. An Angel's love is always true On that you can depend. They will always stand behind you And will always be your friend. Through darkest hours and brightest days Our Angels see us through. You are one of my Angels. Perhaps I am one for you. To my beloved friend Tose I love and miss you soooooooooooooooo much

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17 years ago

Toska mil, vecerva ke gledam vo neboto,,ke gi gledam zvezdite.Tvojata vednas ke ja prepoznaam zatoa sto se izdvojuva so celiot svoj sjaj i ubavina...Ako velat deka tamu gore nekade postoi zivot,,,togas mozes da vidis kako e na zemjava bez tebe,, mozes da go vidis neprebolot kaj tie sto te sakaat..A te sakaat site do eden..Imam bolna praznina vo dusata poradi koja se osuduvam na neveruvanje vo bozjata sila...ama sepak toa go pravi bolkata,,Gospod postoi,,i kako sto velese ti,, treba da veruvame vo Nego.. VO MOETO SRCE IMAS POSEBNO MESTO...A ZA DA TI KAZAM KOLKU TE SAKAM...NEMAM TAKOV ZBOR STO BI MOZEL DA GO OPISE TOA.POCIVAJ VO MIR I CUVAJ NE OD GORE.

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17 years ago

Toska mil, vecerva ke gledam vo neboto,,ke gi gledam zvezdite.Tvojata vednas ke ja prepoznaam zatoa sto se izdvojuva so celiot svoj sjaj i ubavina...Ako velat deka tamu gore nekade postoi zivot,,,togas mozes da vidis kako e na zemjava bez tebe,, mozes da go vidis neprebolot kaj tie sto te sakaat..A te sakaat site do eden..Imam bolna praznina vo dusata poradi koja se osuduvam na neveruvanje vo bozjata sila...ama sepak toa go pravi bolkata,,Gospod postoi,,i kako sto velese ti,, treba da veruvame vo Nego.. VO MOETO SRCE IMAS POSEBNO MESTO...A ZA DA TI KAZAM KOLKU TE SAKAM...NEMAM TAKOV ZBOR STO BI MOZEL DA GO OPISE TOA.POCIVAJ VO MIR I CUVAJ NE OD GORE.

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17 years ago

Tose je bio nesto najsvetije i najlepse sto je krocilo ovom zemljom. cuvajmo ga od zaborava!!! imao je misiju da spoji ljude pesmom. . i uspeo je u tome . . sada je na nebu medju andjelima gde mu je i mesto!!! toshe sakam te!!!

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17 years ago

tose ti bese zvezda koga bese ziv i sega koga umre ni nedostasuvas na site pocivaj vo mir

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17 years ago

nikogas nema da te zaboravam

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17 years ago

ti si nemir sto me tera da se rasplacam da veruvam vo ljubovta da naucam da prostam zosto sekoj prostuva i barem ednas se pokajuva ... TOSE BESE ANGEL NA ZEMJATA A SEGA E ANGEL NA NEBOTO

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17 years ago

Tosence,sekoj den se poveke ni nedostasuvas.Pocivaj vo mir milo nase.

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17 years ago

Tosence zasekogas ke ostanes da zivees vo moeto srce,i pokraj toa sto veke te nema.Bi sakala da mozam da te pregrnam i da ti kazam kolku ni nedostigas,no za zal ti poveke ne si tuka.Ti si najsjajnata zvezda na naseto nebo.Te sakam najmnogu na svet...

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17 years ago

From Toronto, Canada. I wish to offer my condolences to the family. He brought great pride to many Romanyi; in the homelands and here across seas. May his music and his love live strong and forever.

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17 years ago

Tose nikogas nema da te zaboravi me i ako ne si so nas.Ti si vo nasite srca.Za tebe ima sekogas mesto vo nasite srca.Te saka me!!!!!

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17 years ago

Tose i ako nisi pored mene ti si u mom srcu i ako nisi u blizini ja te volim uvek ces zauzimati jedno mesto u mom srcu seka ....

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17 years ago

TOSE tvoi zborovi:"znam deka cesto lugeto se prasuvaat ,a i ti se prasuvas postoi li GOSPOD,veruvaj mi postoi."Tose, tebe covek ne moze da te zaboravi.

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17 years ago


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17 years ago

May the angels keep you till morning. May they guide you through the night. May they comfort all your sorrows. May they help you win the fight. May they keep watch on your soul. May they show you better ways. May they guard you while you're sleeping. May they see you through your days. May they show you new hopes. May they still your every doubt. May they calm your every fear. May they hear you when you shout. May the angels keep you till morning. More than this I cannot pray. And if the angels ever fail you. Then may God be there that day.

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17 years ago

TOSE !!!!!angelu nas ti sekogas bese najdobriot i sekogas ke bides no veke e predocna da ti kazeme kolku ni zna4ese na site nas!

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17 years ago

MY HEART my heart my heart is broken and its all because of you my heart cant be put back together with some glue........p.s. We will see each other again solong my Angel friend Love Always and forever Mary

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17 years ago

Tose volim te i ako nisi sa nama.....

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17 years ago

Type your memory in this box and click Next

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17 years ago

Type your memory in this box and click Next

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17 years ago

Someone who cares about you thought you could use some angel kisses. Angel kisses have the power to make you feel better and give you hope. Just one angel kiss will make your troubles disappear, and you'll suddenly have the motivation you need to complete a difficult task. Run your cursor over the angels to receive your angel kiss. and you'll feel a sense of warmth and happiness that will last the whole day. Even if it's rainy outside, nothing but sunshine will come your way.

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17 years ago

anđele... nedostajes mi...

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17 years ago

tvoj je zivot bio igra bez granica ali ovaj svet minus tebe u njemu, premalo je, ostala je samo tresnja koju niko ne sme da dira. Ostalo je secanje na tebe koje nikad nece da prestane jer potrudicu se, da te i moji unuci upamte i da im budes primerda znaju kako izgleda pravi covek sa svim vrlinama u sebi i kako sebe treba da grade. Hvala ti na svemu sto si nam ostavio, hvala tvojim roditeljima sto su te stvorili, hbala Bogu sto je dozvolio da te imamo medzu nama, volim te sine moj

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17 years ago


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17 years ago

Tose,nemozam bez tebe Angelu moj.Sakam te...

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17 years ago

Lord send my angel to sit at the foot of my bed and shelter me froLord send my angel to sit at the foot of my bed and shelter me from the crown of my head m the crown of my head

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17 years ago

TODORCE vecnosta te zede vo nepovrat ,zamina bez zbor zadlabocen vo sonot,sega sonot tvoj e vecen kako ti vo vecnosta,a zad tebe ostavi samo plac,solzi i bolka prosledeni so golem lelek,zarem tolku ne sakase za da ne ostavis bez tebe ,kade se sega tvoite zborovi VE SAKAM SITE,vaka li ne sakas ili sega ke ne sakas od neboto.NIE VECNO KE TE SAKAME. familija Ristevski od Kicevo.

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17 years ago

Zosto morase bas sega da ne napustis samata pomisla deka nema poveke da te vidam koga ke idam vo Krusevo e mnogu tazna. Tose segogas ke ostanes vo moeto srce i ne samo vo moeto tuku i vo srcata na site sto te znaeja i site sto gi imaja slusnato tvoite pesni. POCIVAJ VO MIR ANGELU NAS.....

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17 years ago

"Tose te sakav,te sakam,ke te sakam za sekogas"

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17 years ago

I miss you!

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17 years ago

Nemozam od tebe da ozdravam ,ljubov moja TOSENCE. Te sakam kiki

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17 years ago

To my dearst friend Tose, I am writing to you just to say when its our time and we will see each other there and I will give all ten of you a Bug Hug and naver let go and I know that you will to I will love you always and forever xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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17 years ago

najsjajnija zvezdice na nebu, sijaces mi dok zivim, neprebolu moj.

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17 years ago

Tosence te SAKAM, Eta!

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17 years ago

Tose sekogas ke bides vo moeto sekavanje,nema da se rodi nekoj kako tebe.Te sakam Vlatko

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17 years ago

Tose koga ke te vidam pak ke te gusnam i nema da te pustam, TE SAKAM kiki

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17 years ago


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17 years ago

nasite solzi pagaat za tebe ANGELU nas site bi sakale da te vidime barem za posleden mig no toa e nevozmozno!toseeeeee!!!!!!!!

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17 years ago

neam zborovi veruvjte

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