To all who love Stephen~ I happened upon this tribute as I have one up for my brother and wanted to express my sincere sympathy to you all. I don't know what happened to him but he was so young. I have a son his age and I couldn't image. May the love and memories you have of Stephan comfort you all through the days and years to come... I listened to the 2 songs that are up. I never heard of these boys before but I thoroughly enjoyed listening to them. Absolutely beautiful songs and young men!

stephen love u forever but when i look up in the sky i will see your face shining down on me. will miss u lots

i have been a boyzone fan since i was12! i still am to this day and i'm 22 now i love their music, stephen you were my first ever crush and i love you dearly! this news saddens me so much. you will be in my heart forever rip. my love and thoughts are with your family, friends and fellow fans you will be sadly missed by all xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

R.I.P Stephen. Its so sad that someone who touched so many lives by his life has lost his so young. Although myself like many others never 'knew' you its astounding how moved and saddened i am by your death. Its truly not fair. My thoughts are with your family and loved ones.
"The good die young" xxx

This is funny coz I was so young...:P but when I found out he was gay my then best friends were in my room and started teaming up on me and told me and I screamed at them "NO HE'S NOT "FUCK OFF" and kicked them out of my house...he was my first love and I will miss that baby face :(

Everybody is given a gift in life and Stephen was given the gift of his voice which so many people enjoyed throughout his short life. I am so saddened to hear of his passing at such a very young age. My deepest sympathy goes out to his family and friends. Please God his voice will live on forever and forever.

I was really shocked when I heard the news this morning that Stephen Gately had passed away! He was much too young and its a tragic loss for the Irish commuinity! I remember listening to him in Boyzone when I was really young and I used to love him! He was my favourite out of the band! He will be deeply missed and my thoughts and prayers are with the family and all his friends in this difficult time.
With sympathy
Nikki. W
Dublin, 22

Stephen Gately will be missed! This news came as a huge shock to me. Taken away way too soon. He was a fantastic singer, all my respect goes out to his family and friends... Stephen, thank you for everything, I hope you'll rest in peace.

Such a wonderful person you will be missed so much by everyone, deepest symphathies to your partner and family and the rest of boyzone, may you rest in peace.

rest in peace sweet stephen, you shock me today :(
I wish all your family and friends a lot of strength.
thank you for all the music and joy you bring us and especially
your smile :(

R.I.P stephan gone but not forgotten babes always in our taughts...xx

A beautiful voice, a beautiful person. Taken too soon, It is our loss

r.i.p. Stephen Gately! You will be missed

RIP Stephen. I love you forever
Nikki W
15 years agoThis was from my mam, caroline ward :) in case there's any cofusion :)