Words can not express what I feel for the victims, families, friends, and Huskies that were affected by Steven's actions. I will miss him every day. I will miss the others every day. I think of them and wish them and their families peace.

As we grieve for the victims, families, and community for the events of February 14,
we also grieve for Steve. That he caused so much pain to the victims and their families and to the community is beyond words to describe. Yet, Steve lived a life of caring for others, of giving, and of promoting peace and justice. That he touched so many in a positive
way is my memory.

The pain caused to victims, families, and the community is indescribable. That it
was caused by such a close friend, one we loved and who gave so much to so many
people, and who contributed so much to his community still defies belief. Steve was one
of the gentlest, caring, and nurturing people I've known. We have all lost so much.
I miss him.

Our second Christmas together, we lived in Champaign. I kept saying that I wanted to have a tree this year. Steven kept saying that we didn't have enough room in our apartment for a tree. One night, I got home from work and Steven had gotten a Christmas tree. I was so excited. He was so thoughtful. We went to wal-mart that night and bought decorations for it. Since Steven was such a neat freak, he was not pleased that the tinsel and glitter were getting everywhere. I laughed and told him that it was a Christmas tree, not a mess. I loved him so much for getting me a tree.
That was the best Christmas ever. We had so much fun together.

I carry Steven and the other victims with me every day. I think about them and their families and friends all the time.