You touched my heart, my soul, my mind and left an indelible footprint on my life. The world is a much poorer place without you. The path you walked in this life brought so much to so many, your friends, colleagues and students. You were an inspiration to us all, and your memory will be with us forever. Your gift to me will be in my heart till the end of days. "Till the end of ever..." YGB...

I met Sharon the first day of Teacher's College in Armidale! we became great mates and had many bizarre adventures together. I was fortunate to catch up with her on FB a few years ago, however, she never told me of her illness. I would have loved to catch up with her again and have a laugh - wish I'd known. I knew she would be an excellent teacher - she had the gift. I missed the 2nd prac in Goodooga with Toni but we laughed about that for ages after!
God bless her and her family - Sharon will be truly missed by all who knew her
Elle Ryan xx

My heart goes out to Aunty Marg and Uncle Bazza and Fiona. I only heard the news today and i am so upset. I have very fond memories growing up with you guys and will never forget Sharon giving me cooking lesson at her house, go the cutlets!
Dad will now have a friend to keep him company and i am sure he will look after her each and every day and they will share a good laugh together.
Love always

Being so far away and not being able to be there personally to celebrate Sharon´s life and mourn her death is very hard. We will always remember Sharon as a bubbling person full of fun and life. Our prayers and thoughts are with you Margaret, Barry and Fiona. It is such a shame that in her travels she didn´t get to see us in Germany. Everytime I see a Butterfly I will remember her as a beautiful person who filled life with joy . Have a great Reunion with all the family up there!!!!! Love Aunt Alma Uncle Siggi and Michael and Family.

We watched you transform your life and for the short time we know how you were happy and confident and could conquer anything that came your way. Sadly he needed you more and took you from your family and friends. You are now at peace, no more struggles. Forever in our hearts. Love Fernwood Campbelltown Girls. xx

I first met Sharon when I moved to Forster in 1983 when I was in year 9 at Forster High, Sharon was one of the very first people I met, she made my first day at the new school easy for me. Sharon was a very kind and caring personl. I can remember the fun times we had at squash, sometime I think we were all there just for the social life LOL, I was absolutely shocked to hear of her passing, she will be sadly missed and by reading the above tributes I believe there will be a lot of school children who wil miss out on her fabulous way of teaching which alot of children seem to speak highly of, it takes alot for a child to speak very highly of their teacher.
My thought and prayers go out to her family (Mr and Mrs Wilkes, Mark and of course Fiona) who I am sure will miss her. She is not gone but in the distance.
Love and prayers to you all
Kylie Jones

too many great memories of a great and caring person. I am honored to have know Sharon and even though we have not had contact in over 25 years she is someone a person will never forget. My thoughts go out to u Mr & Mrs wilkes and to you too Fiona. xxxxoooo

Dear Fiona and family,
We send our heartfelt and sincere condolences to you at this time -
our thoughts are with you all,
Your friends and colleagues in the School of Psychology at UWS

Sharon and I have know each other since Primary School, we went to High School together and lived through the 80's with huge hair and loads of hairspray. We lost contact for a few years but found each other again a few years ago.
She was still beautiful, funny, bubbly and adored her family and friends. She was loyal, caring and I was very blessed that she could come to my wedding with other old school friends last year. We laughed loads together..I attended her service yesterday and its was very sad but also so funny-dancing queeen by ABBA at th end-priceless ( like Sharon)
Will miss you loads xx

Dear Fiona and Family,
We're so sorry for your loss, we know you will miss Sharon dearly. We just wanted to let you know that we're thinking of you. In honour of her memory, we have made a donation to the Melanoma Institute Australia.
Love Lucy & Tash xxx

I met Sharon at the beginning of 2009, when we both started working as the "SLSC" team. I was very lucky to have met such a wonderful, funny and caring person. She understood my 'wicked' sense of humor straight away (when others take years... ) and so we became friends.
Our time together was very short but I am very glad to have met her and worked with her. She taught me so much through her dedication to teaching and making teaching FUN.
I though I was organised until I met Sharon, she is the "Queen of ORGANISATION". And she LOVED Caramel, just like me! We shared funny and sad moments, coffee, ice cream and most important of all chocolate!
I miss you so much, I will always miss you my "Mushy Mushy" until we meet again. Lots of kisses and a huge hug. Love you.

I'm in shock, can't believe that such a vibrant person is no longer with us. Sharon and I knew one another since Kinder, we went through school together and attended Teacher's college in Armidale together. We even did our 2nd year teaching prac together - Goodooga will never be the same!
Next time you watch rage on the ABC, look for Sharon, looking funky with her black hair and sunglasses. The rage intro has been the same for 20 years or more. She was at a Hunters and collectors concert when they were filming the footage for rage, and she is on there. You always were a rager Shaz!
Love always from Toni Harris x o x o x o

i rember her as a good loveing person aswell as a good teacher . i use to get excited when it was time to go to school cause ass soon as we walked into the class rooom . she would sit us down and fill our minds with so much joy as she told us about where she went in the holidays . we will always miss you .

I was very fortunate to aid in Sharon's 3/4 wombat class. Sharon's classroom was always a real buzz, full of positive energy. Her dedication and true passion mixed with her affectionate smile was felt and shared with everyone. Thank you Miss Wilkes for all your inspiration that you have given me and so many.You will truely be missed by so many. Lots of wonderful memories from Vickie, Jake and the little Armstrongs

Too short the life, too great the loss, too brief a time that our paths crossed But not too brief to see your smile, the laugh that marked a life worthwhile An embrace of comfort, a warm hand to hold, a life-story worth the wait to unfold A soul that shone with playful wit and delight, a life fulfilled to forever shine bright Your courage to live was an honour to see, a reminder of everything we ought to be No pain was too great, no mountain too high, to stop the adventure that life could supply No soul left untouched, and the gifts that you give are the memories that teach me new ways to live So there is pain in goodbye, but in life’s celebration, you’ll always remain a brave inspiration Thank you for sharing Life, in every moment that you shared yours Helen

Sharon was a supportive, kind, thoughtful and loving friend from the first day I met her. I started my teaching career at Ashcroft PS in 2002 and Sharon had the class next door. Thankfully we had an adjoining door and Sharon came to my rescue on many occasions! Over the next few years we worked very closely as she took me under her wings. She was not only an inspiring teacher but someone to be admired for her creativity, strength and dedication in all that she did.
Sharon became a close friend and was always so loving to me, Richard and Henry. We shared many happy occasions and she will always have a special place in our hearts. We love you, miss you dearly and will cherish our memories xox

I first met Sharon playing scrabble online, a very inauspicious beginning, that blossomed into something very special. We would share laughs and jokes, whilst playing, and soon became close friends. Months went by, and I found myself waiting for her to sign in, feeling my heart skip when she did. We started sharing more personal feelings, trying to help each other with our problems. Not long after then, we decided we would have to meet in person, as living the other side of the world, was not really condusive to a relationship. And so the planning began. I would come to Australia, and we would go on an adventure. I cannot remember ever looking forward to anything so much in my life. Days, weeks, and months seemed to drag, but eventually the day came, and I was here, and she was in my arms, and any doubts and fears I had before then, where dispelled in the instant I looked into those beautiful smiling eyes, filled with love. And so the adventure began, starting with a stop over at Sharons home where I met Wendy and Jenny, two very special friends. And then to Sydney, The Blue mountans, Tasmania, and back to Sydney for the last few days of our adventure. They were the most wonderful days of my life, filled with very special moments. Leaving to go back to the UK, was one of the biggest wrenches I have ever felt. I was leaving behind the most bright, brave, spontaneously witty, selfless, vivacious, caring, and beautiful person I had ever met. And I was completely in love. We had decided that Sharon would come to England, around May time, it soon became clear with, her illness, that she would be unable to do that, and that time was running out. This was the most horrid of times, being in England and not being with Sharon. But, I eventually made it here, and spent the rest of her time with her. She was so brave, and till the end concerned with others welfare. I cannot help but feel some bitterness, that our time was so short, but, also grateful that we did have that time, and that it was wonderful beyond compare. Sharon was my soulmate, my trouble sharer, my support, my dreamer, my love. I miss her terribly, as I am sure many others do.

In 1997 as myself and the rest of year 5 were waiting to be distributed amongst teachers for the year, my name Jessica King was called out to be in Senior White with Miss Wilkes. Many thoughts ran through my head as it does for a child joining a teacher's class that they haven't been with before. "What if she's mean?", What if I don't like this class?", What if the work is too hard?". But little did I know then that this teacher would turn out to be my inspiration for my future career, a great teacher, mentor and friend.
It was in this year that I discovered what a passion for teaching and children Miss Wilkes had. She was always on top of her game, providing stimulating and quality teaching for her students. It was in this year that I was challenged with my learning and gained an enormous amount of knowledge in just one short school year. Miss Wilkes engaged me and many other students in our learning; hosting class banquets, where she played "Helga" the serving woman and we all dressed up to play a role in a Medieval feast; turning our classroom into a castle with a giant castle frieze she had hand-painted; making ancient Egyptian sandals and Canopic Jars out of clay and much more.
Miss Wilkes was a great Sportswoman and sports coach being involved in Softball outside of School and coaching the junior and senior teams at Ashcroft Public School. Never had I enjoyed a sport more than when Miss Wilkes was in charge. She was dedicated to training us, and inspired us to try our best.
Throughout the year Miss Wilkes became a friend to my family, including my Mum, Kathy King. She attended my Birthday parties and was more than just a teacher to me. Other children would make fun of me for being friends with a teacher, but I didn't care so much because deep down they were probably jealous of the great bond Miss Wilkes and I had and with my family.
Sharon never had any children of her own, but she was a mother to so many children through her teaching. I know to me she was a great inspiration and great friend to me through primary school, high school, university and not so long ago my beginning career in teaching. The memories of my learning in Miss Wilkes class were truly my inspiration to becoming a teacher, which I attained in July 2009. As many of you reading would know the first years of teaching are difficult, and Sharon was always there to offer ideas and support. I will without a doubt miss the support I had from Sharon.
As I change my words from Miss Wilkes to Sharon it represents the change from teacher to friend. Throughout the years we have shared coffee and cake and dinners and many memories, including or joint love of travel. And as tears roll down my face as I write this I know that I will never forget the wonderful and amazing person you were Sharon Wilkes. May you rest in peace dear friend and I hope to one day see you again.
Love Jessica King xoxoxoxoxoxo

We had wonderful times together in school holidays, swimming & fishing & playing from dawn until dusk. We always had great times at family gatherings catching up when we had grown up. If I couldn't have a sister, I was lucky to have you for my cousin. Love you dearly, and will miss you always, but now at least you can rest in peace free of pain & suffering. xxxxxxx

Sharon was, apart from so many other things, an amazing teacher who gave hope and inspiration to hundreds of children. I had the honour of seeing her teach and saw the positive difference she made to these children's lives. She will be sadly missed.

I wanted to share how much Sharon meant to us 'King' girls. I first met Sharon when she became an Ashcroft PS teacher to my eldest daughter Jessica in 1997. Her direct, no nonsense, sensible but friendly approach was just what Jessica needed in a teacher and she thrived in her academic and personal accomplishments. I considered it a real bonus when Megan was lucky enough to also have her as a teacher in 1999. She quickly became a bonus in our lives.
I was happy when she accepted various family and friend invitations held over the years such as 18th and 21st birthday celebrations and I loved that she wanted me to share her 30th birthday dinner and was touched that she considered me a friend.
I know she has been a terrific role model and mentor to Jessica since she has known her and I trust she will continue to do so in years to come. I am sure when Jess was not sure what path to take after high school, the respect and fondness she had for Sharon would have played a large part in her deciding to come a teacher. Megan is also following in her footstep in training to be a teacher.
There are no t many people in one's life who you can acknowledge as being a true inspiration but I believe Sharon has touched many people in this way.
I share the pain that is being felt by many people and want it known that she will always be in our thoughts and hearts. RIP

Miss Wilkes was a great teacher and we will miss her heaps. xxxxxxxx LOVE FROM HAYLEY AND KIRSTEN xxxxxxxxx

I can hardly believe that Sharon is gone. My memories of her will always be related to the Sadleir/Ashcroft crowd, our weekly dinners at Thai Banquet in Liverpool and fun times. Rest in Peace.

The most beautiful woman in the world.

Sharon was always fun to be with. Enjoyed a laugh. Looking for something whacky to do. I miss her and can't imagine never seeing her again.
Miss you Shazza!

I will miss her always.

As will I, and many others xx


Sharon was an amazing, dedicated teacher who I was lucky enough to work with and have as my supervisor. She will be dearly missed and my deepest sympathy goes to her family. Sharon will always be remembered by the many students and staff whose lives she touched.
Heli Appenzeller

There's to many memories,We have known each other since we were 5 years old and I am going to miss you so much. We always had different interests and our lives took us in different directions , But we always remained Friends all our schooling life and adult. I am so happy to have had a chance to visit you 2 weeks ago . I will remember it and you forever. Love and lots of Tears Deb Boyce and her family Brian ,Amy and Hannahxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Jessica King
14 years agoI know Sharon was hoping that more than friends between you and her would eventuate when you had planned to come over. I'm so Happy the feeling was mutual :)
Toni Proudlock
14 years agoHello Mark, Sharon shared many of her precious on-line stories with me. She laughed when she talked about your pet names for each other, how Ellis would parade her pretty dresses and was very concerned when your son had his accident. Sharon was very excited by your initial visit and delighted that it had been such an enjoyable time and that your relationship had flourished. She also looked forward to your chats each day. Yes, Sharon was a very special person and she loved you dearly. She was everything that you have said + more...Strong, determined, resilient, stoic, loyal, professional, loving and feisty!!!! When I saw you together in the hospital I could feel the bond between you. Sharon will be missed by all of us. Take care.