although i never knew Scarlet, i've met enough of her family and friends to know how deep a wound her death has caused.
I think to much time is preoccupied on blaming Scarlet's family, the need to portion out blame should have nothing to do with morning her loss
once again although i never met you scarlett you have no idea how much you have impacted so many peoples live.
All the love in the world to Scarlett and her family

rest in peace scarlett taken away too soon rip xxx

life was a short passage for you dear scarlet but we will always be reminded of you each and every summer , rest in peace dear sister, friend ,cousin, & loved one, daughter, and example to everyone of your friends , and your your siblings,with love from Diana, Johnny , eve , jeannie, mariian, marcell, liza ,dean ,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ,

what happened to you is very bad. i cannot digest that. constant happening of things like these making me lose respect for my mother land. i feel very sorry for you. i hope your soul rest in peace. i swear, i will do my part to protect women.

i now that your spirit is set to be free, I have seen you. You are happy now.
You find that what you always whanted, freedom, no pain, no worry's, just free.
I hope that you stay happy as a free spirit.
Rest in Peace Scarlett Keeling.

Pray to the Almighty that your soul rest in peace & may god give your family the strength to carry on with life. I also pray that truth prevail and that you get justice for what you did not deserve.

Pray to the Almighty that your soul rest in peace & may god give your family the strength to carry on with life. I also pray that truth prevail and that you get justice for what you did not deserve.

Pray to the Almighty that your soul rest in peace & may god give your family the strength to carry on with life. I also pray that truth prevail and that you get justice for what you did not deserve.


May you find eternal peace in Heaven. Such a beautiful young precious life cut down in her prime. It is deeply upsetting and we humans must learn from this and extend strength to her heartbroken family. I'd like to dedicate the song "Gone Too Soon" by Michael Jackson to Scarlett Keeling because this loss renders most of us speechless. Requiescat In Pace Beautiful Scarlett (rose)
From India

To Heaven
You are a beautiful girl ...
I remember your face forever.
And the death remains a mystery ..
All children should not be left with the strange, especially if he was in a different country ..

i really liked scarlett keeling i think she was such a lovely girl i miss her so much it was such a shame that she was murdered in goa india by her boyfriend and another man she will be badly missed by everyone it would be nice to turn back to those happy memories of when she was alive enjoying herself on holiday in india with her famliy i feel so sorry for her mum and the rest of her famliy of what they had been though god bless i miss you so much
the years have pass so quickly since she was murdered 3 years ago rest in peace scarlett xxxx


dear scarlett,i m very veryy veryy sad for the worse thing happened with you.and i m also apologize on behalf of my country...i dnt knw what to say bt please.i dnt knw you bt i feel very bad for you so are live in our memories alwyz like sweet anjel..after a worse night a new day begins.god loves you more n more so they took you with dnt worry...take care in my dear anjel..

Dear Scarlett , now you are in the best place of all, with God. Please take care of me, now your soul is free. So long beautiful girl. Al.

i miss u so much, there is not a day gone pass i dont talk bout you or think of u<3 xxxx ly

Dear Scarlett, I feel sorry for you ever since i heard this bad thing happened, hope it never should have hapnd. Hope ur mother never trusted that dirty boyfriend or any other strange males around you. May u hav bettr luck in ur next life, dear!!!, May God wipe away the agony and give just punishment to the criminals who did thus inhuman act to you and stole ur life away from u, dear.
i wish to believe that u r now an angel or a princess who escaped to a better world where there is no pain or sorrow. and u r watching all this going on down here on earth with a smile on ur face. RIP, my dear!!!

it is really indeed sad to see this, but drugs always ends up like this if ur not responsible anyways but it can NEVER make the killer right at ANY POINT he should have been hanged till death no less. I think the government is being alot careless at this situation, which makes them even more wrong then the killer, i dont know if there trying to cover it up or anything. RIP Scar you will be remembered. <3

rest in pease , beauty. i also was in goa that time, and had a trip when i felt that some white woman will be killed that night , i scared very much b'cos i was thinking it'll be me, . after 2 weeks one girl told me about that , i counted days and understood that it vas date of my 'prediction' experience. sun or moon eclipse was that day, that time happening many bad tings. i think if that wasn't scarlett it could be me or some other white girl, is like sacrify for some power. i think i had some extrasensoric connection whit scarlett that time , and i feel sad about it, it touched me much.
all the best in your next life .javascript:void(null)

My god my eyes are filed with tears.
I think parents should be also careful about their childern. Escpcally in terms of rules n regulations.
Simple thing friend ship with strangers is not good.
Scarlett may you rest in Peace.

i hope you are happy wherever you are now. i saw your pic and see that you were full of life and happy . i just can't understand how can anyone commit such a heinous act on another human being. i was in goa couple a yrs ago and i know what it's like there , and i don't blame you for partying. i understand how you must have felt when you were free there and could do things that you wanted to do. i'd have done the same thing but it's a jungle out there and you have got to be careful , my heart goes out to your family and if i had the power of god i would punish those murderers by doing the exact same thing to them that they did to you . if there is another life after death i wish that you'd be born again to your mother and have a happy life again , god bless your soul

Just A Little Note To Say Thankyou To Clement Adlam Who Actually Made This Page!!
Its Great And Scarlett Would Have Loved It.
Its So Nice To See Everyone Wishing Her Family Peace And Condolences Through These Bad Times Which Is So Heart Warming To Me!!
Its Unreall How Much We All Miss Her We Would Give Anything For Just 1 Minuit With Her Just To See Her Face And Hear Her Laugh Again That We All Miss So Much!!
Thankyou Again You Really Dont Know How Much This Means To Everyone Who New And Cared About scarlett!!
Still Missing You Babe
Hope Your Keeping Alright Up There!!
Love You
R.II.P Scarlett

Dearest Scarlett
I dont know what,why or how the incident happened to you. Because things are so unclear in this world that I can tell you, only God, you and the guilty people primarily, know the truth. It must have been a very unpleasant exit for you from this world. I am no GOD so I am not the best judge. But, from a human being's point of view, I must say, I am shattered by the whole incident. I feel disgusted about those ppl. who are responsible for this. I cry deeply from inside for such corruption to exist in this world and for what ever happened to you. But, tell me what alone can I do being a normal human being with no extra ordinary powers, to save you from the nasty incident ? I didnt even know that u existed. If I knew you well, I could have to my full power tried to help you. I am very sorry for watever happened to you. But dont you worry, GOD is there. He is the best judge. He will do wat is right for you. Many of the people still dont realize that Life is short and that there is something called after life. So, in the afterlife you are judged based on wat you do in your life. You are like my sister and I would always want my sisters and brothers to live happy and prosper in and after life. May your soul rest in peace and may you also get all the happiness in your other world, wat you couldnt get from this world.

I read today of your loss and I am so sad and sorry that you lost your daughter in such a tragic way. The people that did this are so much worse than any animal. I hope that god makes these creatures hate themselves from the inside out and that they turn themselves in to the authorities. My heart and prayers go out to your family (I am a Brit in the USA) and know that your daughter was a wonderful sweet girl. We have countries still that are in the "dark ages" who do not understand that women have rights to be free too. This was an example of these backward teaching in a country where women are still burned and not thought of as "equal". The Indian women fight every day for their equality. My heart goes out to your family that justice will prevail and that these criminals are brought to justice. God bless you all.

I cant belive its a whole year we have gone with out seeing your beautiful face and even not being able to bury you makes me so sad inside all we want is for our friend to come home peacfully and be burryed where she beongs at home with her family.
Fiona i hope you and the family ok after all this but i think the channel 4 documentry was brilliant it showed scarlett for who she is a truley wonderful person with a great persoality. dont be ashemed about what people say cos you now what you raised such an amazing girl that people woulld be dying to know.
She was beautiful!! Stunning!! Gawjuss!! Every Thing you could ever want in a friend!!
I miss you so much babe its unreal thinking about you forever and always hunnie
Love You
R.II.P Scarlett

Beautiful girl you will be in the hearts of people everywhere forever.
Although nobody has yet been brought to justice for your murder, we know that every night as the perpetrator/s lay their head down to sleep, the realisation of what they have done will stay with them for ever. May it burn them...night...after night...after night.
But for you darling sweet wonderful girl, there is only love sent from this world.

i hope whoever caused your pain suffers a thousand deaths! hope you have peace wherever you may be much love xxxxx

scarlett il never forget your beautiful smiling appalled at the cover up to protect your killers,please british goverment step in and help find justice for scarlett and her family.peace and love x

there are many of us that will not rest until your killers are brought to justic, we must all meet our maker, their time will come, in the meantime rest in peace and godspeed.

i have just watched the channel 4 doc about Scarlett. My love goes out to the brave Mother and family of Scarlett. I hope justice will be done. x

I cannot begin to imagine, what your family is going through. It is horrible to lose a loved one, but being unable to bury her, and unable to have any closer must be unbearable.
I think it is digusting that the British government are not assisting Scarlett's mother more in getting justice for Scarlett.
Rest in peace angel x

My sister was brutally murdered abroad ten years ago, so I understand all the 'red tape' that Fiona was coming up against. I so admired Fiona for bravely trying to resolve this issue and it was ironic that they turned it around on her making her the criminal. That is just a sheer 'cover up' and it stinks. Then to not be able to bury Scarlett makes it all the more horrific. She should be with her family. How absolutely amazing that the press and people are quick to condemn the lifestyle of the mother. Personally, I thought it was an excellent childhood for those kids, with lots of love and animals and fresh air. Totally natural. I have a tendency to think that the killers are the men who tried it on with Scarlett the day before she was killed. Justice is a divine entity. I have come to know that now. I leave justice up to the great divine, cos if you left it to the law, well justice is a mockery. My thoughts and prayers are with Scarlett and her family. Fiona you are one brave lady and hold your head high. You are not to blame. People always need a scapegoat and will cast blame without thought. I am sure you feel enough guilt and probably will forever, but you should not. Sadly it was just the wicked hand of fate. My love is sent to you all.

Being a mother of girls it broke my heart to watch the channel 4 documentary, a beautiful girl so cruely robbed of life, by vicious gready selfish animals, i hope they are punished and the authorites who have so blatently tampered with vital evidence can live with their conscionses.
My heart and well wishes i send to scarletts family when they catch the killers you will finally be free to grieve. stay strong for each other .
love and deepest sympathy xx

May your soul rest in peace & God be with your mother towards her fight for justice.
Love, Mohan

may your soul rest in peace beautiful girl


Rest assured that your beautiful friend is in a better place. People like Scarlett with such awesome spirits and souls that brighten the lives of everyone around them always get a free ticket to heaven because they "are like unto this little child" and "the kingdom of heaven is like unto this little child" and all of you that knew her or happened upon her were being touched by an angel in unawares. Scarlett always belonged to JESUS and from the beginning of time this was so. She was not of this world............... but the men who assaulted her and killed her were of the world. They are born into this world without souls to do the devil's work. "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of the darkness of this world", "and against spiritual wickedness in high places". "Pray for your enemies, and in doing so, you heap coals of fires upon their heads". Don't try to understand this............ it's sensless anytime this happens. Just know that angels on earth are sometimes called home because it is GOD's will. It is painful and it hurts and it is not for us to understand. The lesson is for the living, not the dead. Scarlett is not dead but only changed. You that loved her will all see her again because you too are not of the world. And she will touch you and forever be in your lives. LIFE EVERLASTING for them that believe and belong to HIM and are saved by HIS grace. Pray hard............ pray very very hard.

dear scarlett i didn't know u but when i come to know about u i feel should they do this.this circumtances prove that still some devil people stay in this world.but i know scarlett u not die u still here.u look at us by ur beautiful eye.and i know u are in better place.enjoy there baby.god bless u.u little star.

RIP scarlett,such a young life to be lost. may you rest in peace and hopefully one day these people will be found and justice served

scarlett you will always b in my heart and every were i go india i willl never 4get you......hopefull you have made inida a safer place for us to walk and play.. and all us goa girls wish you a good journey and beond xxxxxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo i luv yaaaa<3<3<3<3

Although you are gone from this world I still love you Scarlett. Rest in peace hunnie

I never met you, but I read each line of your story. I am sorry, so sorry. This world is both good and bad, but you had to pay a huge price for your innocence! I weep for thee. I think day and night that, on that fateful moments that you realized that those people were actually wolves in sheep's outfit, I wonder why God was so mercilessly abandoned you! I am really sad this happened to you, kid. Your mom is a wonderful person. She is the true love. I am an Indian, and I know how corrupt the Indian police is, but she managed to fight for justice, and proved that you are not just another body bag to be discarded. I will spread the news, I will educate the young, telling them your story. I myself is from South India, Kerala, I will tell your story to each and every tourist I meet. Lots of love - Suresh.

Cant Believe Your Gone :( People These Days Sicken Me! LoveYouu xx

Your life was taken by someone evil. 99 percent of Goans are nice people. Let us hope that the 1 percent who did this dreadful act is found and you can have Justice. Such a short life and free spirit coming to a tragic end. My thoughts are with Fiona and give her the strength to see through what she has started. The only way a mother can be hurt is by hurting her child.

We will always remember Scarlet, although we did not know her. We have just returned from Goa, and have been through all the sorrow having read how terrible Scarlets life was to end. People do judge unfairly, Fiona well done in your fight, to ensure justice is done for Scarlet, your are not a bad mother Fiona, 99.99 per cent of Goans are good people. God bless Scarlet, Fiona and all the Family

For Fiona and Family,
You can enjoy the lovely memories and the fact that Scarlett was having the time of her life on that holiday, one that many children will never experience, Well done Fiona for giving your children the opportunity
It's a shame people are quick to judge without knowing the correct details.
Take care
Love Debra
16 years agoShe Was Still Stunning When She Was Little As You Can Tell Love And Miss You Xxxxx