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farran walker
15 years ago

It Still does not seem real to think that you will come walking through the door i can hear the words now " Helllloo darling" i hear it like your sitting next to me .... I Hope you are keeping my nan company up there i miss you so much grandad not a day goes past that i dont think of you i love you so much and i cant wait for the day we are together again xx Love You <3

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16 years ago

Hi Dad, This is my most favourite photo of you. You look so handsome, your hair short and grey. It suited you so much, you was always worried about your hair and often said I'd sooner die than lose my hair, then that all changed. You didn't care, I look at you closely in this picture and I know you knew that you were dying, you hold Jans hand so tight, that you don't want to let go or lose her. I wish I had more time with you, April was so special and our tuesaday together. I wouldn't change that for the world. I just wish with all my heart that you where still here, to watch us grow, your grandchildren get married but most of all, just to hear you say, I love you je non. I love you dad and always will. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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16 years ago

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16 years ago

Hi Dad, how are you? Sorry I haven't been on here for awhile but as you know, nothings ever straight forward. I know you know about Lorraine,dad, help her to find the strength to fight this horrible disease Cancer. She needs you now. Spoke to Jan today via skype, yes I've finally got it loaded and your now not there to share it with me. I miss you so much dad, the pain is still so raw, they say it will heal in time, well I'm not so sure. I look at your photo everyday and still don't want to believe I'll never hear your voice again or have that bear hug of a cuddle you always gave me!! Do you remember? The kids are all doing great. Mia lily has thrown her dummies away now!! Jamie had a great 18th. Kirsty doing well at school. And Tony, well Tonys like you always busy, doing abit of this n that! Jan is hoping to come here in May, its going to be hard because I so wanted you to see our beautiful home in the sun. Look after yourself dad, keep close, as theres not a day goes by when I don't need you. Always in my thoughts but most of all, always in my heart. Yours forever Je non xxxxx

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caroline brown
16 years ago

I love you without knowing how, or when,or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without compexityes or pride, so i love you because i know no other way than this. Where i does not exist, nor you, so close that your hand on my chest is my hand, so close that your eyes close as i fall asleep.

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16 years ago

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16 years ago

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farran walker
15 years ago

You Look so Handsome Grandad and you nanny x

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16 years ago

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16 years ago

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16 years ago

The day you were taken from us was the worst day ever.We tried to reach you before you left us but we failed,im so so sorry,for give us. Mum and Dad miss you so much.Mum cries alot but never infront of grandad.Dad is cooking like its going out of fashion,it calms him when he is upset.Do you remember the cornish pasties he made you,you loved them so much.He hasn't made them since you left,it's like makeing them reminds him of you and at the moment it's too painfull. Grandad is holding up ok,he has filled his home with pictures of you. Mal and i cleared your garden before we left spain.I promised you id do it and i will tend it every time i go to spain.I hope you dont mind,Mal took a pebble from you garden for me and we have it in our new home on the shelf with my Elvis plates.Listening to Elvis has always made me think of you,its hard now but i imagine you dancing with Auntie Jan and i smile.You were so happy when you danced. I find myself crying to when im out driving in my van,remembering your smile,your laugh,thinking of you standing in the garden for hours with Mal telling jokes.Mal reminds me of you.I gess i was looking for a man who had the qualities of the special men in my life,you,my dad,grandad,and i found him,im so lucky.And im so glad you met him. I will show mum dad and grandad this and hope they find comfort in it.We all miss you so much.. Love special hugs and always kisses Caroline #

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16 years ago

Happy Birthday Dad. I'm sure you've had a brandy or 2 today, wish I could share it with you. We go back to Turkey soon and I promise you, you'll have a special place in our garden, with your very own lemon tree. I miss you so much dad, I can't begin to tell you how I feel. Take care dad, always in my thoughts and always in my heart. Big kiss to you Sonia xx P.s. enjoy your party xx

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16 years ago

Though your smile has gone forever and your hand I cannot touch, I still have so many memories of the one I loved so much. Your memory is my keep sake, with which I'll never part, God has you in his keeping. I have you in my heart, sadly missed but never forgotten I will always love you Merry Christmas dad Love you with all my heart, always Je non xxxx

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16 years ago

Few people come into our lives and make everything shine, but you're one of those rare and splendid jewels who makes the whole world bright. When I am sad, you make me smile. When I am alone and blue, you are there for me, and you make me feel strong enough to accomplish anything. Because I appreciate the many things you do, more than words can say, I'm sending you the Candle of Love, and hoping you receive many blessings from above. Always in my thoughts Je non xxxx

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16 years ago

Where do I start Dad? Its hurting so much without you especially today, my birthday. I'd give anything just to hear you say 'happy birthday darling' but it won't happen will it? I miss you so much, they say it gets easier but it doesn't, you learn to bury your feelings so deep inside, that just occasionally you let them out and cry. Things are not the same anymore Dad, I wish I could turn the clock back, I wish I could make everything perfect but thats asking too much. Your always in my thoughts Dad, always Love and miss you terribly Je non xx

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16 years ago

Someone Special I once had someone special that money could not buy I had a special dad but I had to say goodbye, If I was asked one question, why I thought the world of you I could have a million answers and each one would be true The heartache and the sadness may not always show, People say it lessens but how little do they know, Meet me in my dreams dad and talk to me once more, Ease the everlasting pain that makes my heart so sore, The road without you is so long a tear for every mile, But I know one day when I reach the end you'll be waiting with a smile. Love and miss you je non

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16 years ago

I love and miss you so much. Sonia xxxxx

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Kirsty Seed
16 years ago

I think about you everyday just wishing you were here with us all. I miss you so much grandad i cant describe it. Its so hurtful you not being here, why did you have to leave us, its not fair. Why did they choose you to leave, why? I hope you have been getting my kisses every night. I love you so much grandad, i want you back. Mummy needs you back, she cant handle you not being here. She misses and loves you so much and granny jan needs you back, we all want and need you back. I just cant help thinking and asking why you, just why. Hopefully you will be proud of me, i got a B in my GCSE coursework for Spanish. Im doing my very best for you, i think your the one that makes me want to do it, i think you've been helping me out alot, thankyou. Love You With All My Heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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16 years ago

If I could wish upon a star I would wish for you back here I know you're happy where you are But I miss you and want you near Although I see you everyday In my thoughts and in my dreams I miss you more than words can say It just gets worse, it seems I try to be strong for others around But all I want to do is cry I just sit for hours by myself And ask the question 'Why'? It's the strongest pain I've ever felt I don't think I could describe it Although I try, I do my best I don't think that I can hide it My life will never be the same That's why it's hard to bear Because since the day you left us I think that life's not fair Some things seem not to matter now Even things that mattered before You have no idea what I would give To make this pain less sore People say we'll meet again And yes I know that's true But I wish it didn't have to be this way Because you know how much I miss you I love you with all my heart and soul And there's one thing you need to know There's not one person in the human race That could ever take your place love you always

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16 years ago

Its 82 days since you left me dad, and they have been the longest 82 days of my life. I wish you were here so much, I miss our chats. Spoke to Jan yesterday, she seems ok, coping in her own way. She to misses you, crys for you alot. I wish she lived closer dad, I feel like we have drifted apart alittle and I don't want that, without you here, shes all I have, she has always been there for me and as you know, shes my mum and always will be in my eyes. Help me dad, I don't know what to say, I guess I feel I have to be strong for Jan and family, when all I want to do is cry but can't. I know your with me everywhere I go dad, but I so want one of your hugs, the last time you hugged me properly was back in April, when you didn't want me to go home, do you remember? I wish I had stayed longer. Help me be strong dad. You are always in my thoughts, always. Miss you so much je non xxxxx

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16 years ago

I miss you so much Granddad, this year I am sure that you are aware me mum kristy and mia-lily came out to see you and granny jan for our holiday. Unfortunately we didnt get to see you the way that we wanted. On your day you would have been so proud of Mum, Auntie Shelly and Granny Jan. They were so strong in every way possible it was unreal. Mum and Auntie Shelly wrote a speech each in memory of you which got every one going, they was so passion and love in each of those speeches for would have been so proud. Granny Jan on the other hand was so immensely strong throughout your day and each and every other day that went by infront of everyone. She is a character and a half and I can understand why you wanted to be with her, you picked the best Nan (Granny Jan) I could have ever wished for. She is so loving and caring I just wish I could see her more. I plan to go out there at some point for a little while when I can get time of work and enough money saved. I just wish you could be there as well. And I want to apologize Granddad for not taking your shoes. They where lovely shoes but I just couldnt wear them im so sorry. Please dont be disappointed or upset Granddad, I love you so much. I can remember when I was younger you used to do the trick with the tomatoes and I used to think you put it through your ears and then it would come out of your mouth, it used to always confuse me. And I remember the day you got into computers, you was round ours and we had just set up our computer not long ago and you was trying to play cards but getting confused because it was on a screen instead, how you made me laugh. There are so many memories that I can go through and it would be an endless list. But all the memories that I have of you, not once can I think of a bad memory as you was the Granddad of Granddads and a man that I will always look up to. I want to make you so proud of me Granddad by reaching the Olympics for you and tributing my Gold to you. But if I dont make it, everything that I do I will be thinking of you as you are one man that just cannot be forgotten. I wish so much that you could be here with me right now just for one last hug but instead I will stick with you being the brightest star that I see every night. I love and miss you so much Granddad. All my love is with you and I hope one day I will see you again. From your Grandson who will always cherish you come rain or shine Love Jamie Seed xxxxxxxxxxxxx .

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16 years ago

Frandad I came out to see you frandad but sadly the angels took you before I could. The night they took you I saw your star shining brightly. Did you get my kiss? It was a big one from my heart. I miss you loads. Seni sevi yorum that means I love you in turkish but then you knew that, didn't you. Love you, Mia Lily (grand daughter)

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Kirsty Seed
16 years ago

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Kirsty Seed
16 years ago

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Kirsty Seed
16 years ago

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Kirsty Seed
16 years ago

Grandad, I miss you so much words can't describe the pain. There are so many memories and not one of them was a bad memory. I remember when me mummy and jay would come up to see you and granny jan in luton and you would put your favourite songs on (mainly Elvis ones hehe) and you would always do some line dancing to it and get granny jan to join you. Whenever we came up to see you we would always have your favourite..a roast! No matter what day we came up we always had a roast and even when we come to see you in Spain at least once when we go out for a meal it would be a roast and we always used to think oh god another roast! Hehe but we always had one for you. Your funeral was held at an amazing place. Mummy granny jan and shelly were amazingly strong for you, mia was even a little angel. Every night out in Spain jamie and me would go down and sit with mike, sylvi, nicola, scott, camilla and connor and see how brightly shining you were up in the sky, the brightest star of them all. Even now i try and see if i can see you amongst the clouds. Mummy and mia send you a kiss every night and mia says i love you grandad with all my heart, seni seviyourum i love you in turkish. I think about you non stop. I don't think it will ever sink in that you have gone, but i know some day that we will be reunited. Your the most amazing grandad in the world and no-one in the world can take you away from me. Its not going to be the same when we go out to Spain anymore, you wont be there. I remember the times we used to spend at the beach and you always used to laugh when i like drowned in the waves and when you tied connor to the boy HAHA these memories will last a life time. You chose the most amazing women to spend most of your life with, granny jan, she is just amazing and you couldn't have chosen anyone better to be with. She is such a strong lady and an amazing person to be with. I just want to let granny jan know that i love her so much and she is an amazing person and im always here if she needs me. I Love You So Much Grandad You'll Always Be In My Heart Forever And Always The Pictures May Fade But The Memories With You Will Last A Lifetime I Love You So Much Kirsty xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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16 years ago

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Shelly Linda Hearn
16 years ago

never a day goes past that i dont think of u i lost my dad and my best friend ,u were taken to quick from us i never got to say goodbyeand i dont want to i know u how much i loved you canot think of you up there its to hard life hasnt been the same and will never be the same any more can only talk to u cos u allways understood me i try talking but u carnt hear me i hope soon that u will as im lonley without my dad i know u were there for keneddy at her accident and i say thank you for that i love u dad please be waiting at the gate for me .

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16 years ago

What we would give if we could say 'Hello Dad' in the same old way To hear you voice and see your smile To sit with you and chat for a while So if you,who, have a dad Cherish him with care For you'll never know the heartache Till you see his vacant chair Miss you so much xxxx

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