I think about you a lot. You were a really close family friend, to the point I called you my Uncle. It's crazy how much you helped me and you were always there for me no matter what. You were someone I could really go to with anything. You never judged me, and you never told my secrets. I love you. R.I.P

Well Ski! It's not just October that you are thought of by us here in NC, but October sure reminds us of the sting of the sacrifice that you made for all of us here, and for the friendship that will never be forgotten! Words just are not enough to express the difference you have made in our lives!!!! You, your service, you ultimate sacrifice, or your family, I promise will always be in our hearts!!!!!! Your family is always in our prayers!

I love you Kenny <33
Ill never find someone who means more to me than you did, and still do. I miss you, and cant wait to see you again.
RIP sweetheart.

I got to known my big cousin while he was over in Iraq and I thank God I did. He always tried to keep me out of trouble and make me a better person. He would always tell me i was a "mini version" of him and always knew what i was going to do next. I would always laugh at that. He always made sure everything was going ok. He was always someone you could talk to and he would have a answer for everything. He was also someone who could make you laugh when your in the worst of moods. Kenny was a very rare person now a days.As I got to know him i thought more and more how much i wanted to be like him.He was and always will be my role model. God took him to soon. Just knowing he won't be here to do everything that we had played like our big race to decide which on of us would be faster. It just kills me.
Well now he's watching over all of us.
Miss you Loserface !

Ski, your brothers-in-arms are back in Ft Carson now. It was a sad day at that Welcome Home Ceremony, when you were not in the crowd of soldiers! I remembered you! I remembered what a friend you had been to my son, and what an awesome inspiration you were to me through only a short conversation! I spent time with three of your "brothers", and the few short days I was there with them, I know that they will not forget you! Not ever! Some will live a lifetime and not achieve what you were able to in your short life! You will always be in our hearts, and our memories!

well here it goes kenny was my cousin he was a great man and strong man. after he seen what happened on sept 11 he knew what he wanted to do. To keep his family safe he joined the army. By doing this he made a choice to put him self in harms way to keep his family and country safe. I will always remember teaching kenny his first swear and the trouble he got in for saying that first swear. but above all i will always remember that we as a family get our strength from our family and country and he is proof of how strong our family and country realy are!!

Kenny was a young man with a big heart. He loved his family and his country. For those of you who never go the chance to get to know him you missed out on meeting a wonderful person, for those of us who did know him always cherish the moments that you spent with him. Kenny will aways look up us and keep us safe. He is a true hero and will be missed forever. May he rest in peace knowing that he had lots of friends and family who loved him. I have oatmeal cookies here for ya man!


While I didn't personally know Ken, I'm so touched by all the stories and writings that people have posted online. It seems like he was an incredibly great guy with a big heart and tons of courage. We need so many more people like him in this world today. I'm glad people can have the memories of him for all time and that he was so beloved by those around him.