Nanny I miss you so much still think about you everyday not one day goes by when your not in my mind, a lot has happened since you been gone and I wish you was still here to see it. Wish you could be here to see your first great grandson which will be born very soon due the 14th may 2015 but I know you will be watching over us you are my hero my world my everything and it breaks my heart not to be able to speak to you to tell you I love you. So so much sleep tight my angel xxxxx

Nanny i miss you more and more everyday word cannot explain how I fill right now I fill lost without you in my life you was the only one I could speak to now I have no one :'( so much has happened since you've been gone :( I wish j could have just one more minute with you just to tell you I love you and miss you and for you to tell me it back just to cuddle and kiss you and never let go

its been a while since ive visited yr site. not a day goes by that yr not in my thoughts. mum you now have yr 6th granchild a beautiful little boy called harley born on 18/09/2012 just 2 days before your birthday i couldnt hold out any longer im sorry mum. i wish with all my heart you could be here to enjoy these babies i tell them every day all about you and they often say they wish you were here. i love you mum and miss you with all my heart every day i feel you with me sleep tight my angel xxxxxxxx

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I thought of you with love today
but that is nothing new
I thought about you yesterday
and days before that too,
I think of you in silence
I often speak your name
All I have are memories
and your picture in a frame.
Your memory is my keepsake
with which I’ll never part
God has you in His keeping
I have you in my heart

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Dear Pauline, Not a day goes by that you are not thought of, I wish I lived closer to the cemetry so I could pay my respects more often.
Miss you x

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mum christmas is over now and its been a hard one. i know you know because you was with rod . i wished you were here cos i dont know what to do with him. he always relied on you and now your gone he does me but im not you and i dont know what to do. i wished you could give me a sign so i could do things right. i miss you mum more than words can say with all my heart every hour every day. i lone you mum always and forever love tracey xxxxx

Missing u & Nan so much. Think about u both All the time x

mum im sorry its been a while lifes been so busy im now working at the hospital im using all the skills i learnt from you. im trying to forward myself in nursing. i seem to be fitting in quite well people are quite surprised i know as much as i do and all i know is thanks to you. its getting near to your birthday and im thinking of you everyday i miss you mum i know you are with me i know you came to me the other night when i needed you .im getting through each day but sometimes i dont know how they say times a healer but its not happening for me , it still hurts so much. i just need my mum xx until we are together again i love you with everything i have sleep tight mum love tracey xxxxx

Nanny you helped many of us in so many ways but even though your gone we still remember you today you were so great always smiling laughing always there when someone needed a shoulder or just even when someone just wanted to talk you always listened and knew exactly what to say you will always be in our hearts forever will you stay never not one moment will your memory fade away Now your watching me from up above Making sure Im safe in this worldEven though your goneI might be getting older and your not here to see it But nanny Im always gonna be your little girl miss you like mad always have a place in my heart 07.06.08 <3

Thinking of you today & always.
Xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xX

three long years gone by since our lives fell in two when the angels called your name there was nothing we could do we prayed so hard to keep you held your hand until the end we cant believe your gone now you were our world our best friend we now know the reason why god took you away you were to beautiful for this world thats why you couldnt stay i miss you mum, not a moment goes by when i dont think of you. love you with all my heart. until we are together again sleep tight mum love tracey and family xxxxxx

Nan it has been two years an 8 months today and still it feel like the day you leaved me i relli miss you i have so much to tell you but i can't i miss you so bad the day you leaved was the day my heart fell into two and there is a hole in my heart that will never be replaced becasue that is your place until we meet again i love you and i always will in my thoughts each second every day loveyou nanny <3 xxxxxxxxxxx

i tried to put a message on at new year but for some reason it was unsucessful. you was very much in my thoughts as you are every day. its now febuary and we are just over a week away from jasmines 2nd birthday, its gone so fast, she is so grown up already knows how to answer back. mum you would be in your glory laughing at her, and maddison too. they are so cheeky just what you would have encouraged, you said you hoped i'd have a daughter that would torment me like i did you. you got your wish but i now have two ha ha. i bet you are laughing at that. i wish you could be here to share the special days that are coming up, i like to believe you are. in my head we are right next to eachother sharing these times. i have to tell you mum im so proud of dad hes turnt into the most devoted grandad ever its like he cherishes every moment he gets with the kids, i think hes doing it for you as well as him. i miss you mum just as much today as when you left me i wish you could be here. i need you, my memories of you are the only thing that get me through. until we are together again please hold me close in your heart, you are the most precious gift in life i ever had and i will cherish you forever, my mum, my best friend my life. i love you. always in my thoughts tracey xxxxxx

We all have our memoires and thank god they will last
because just the other night that lady had just passed
that lady was my nan someone i really loved
losing her is like its over
but now she is with god
there's a lot a things about my nan that i know i will miss
like the simple things like a hug and a kiss
those are the memoires that keeps us all from being sad
when i am down i know your not that far because
forever you will stay forever in my heart
i miss you loads love you loads xxxxxxxxx

mum its christmas day and its the 3rd one without you and still its as hard as ever. for months ive planned the perfect christmas for me, roy and the kids but how can it ever be perfect , you will always be missing from that day. if i had one wish that could be granted for christmas it would be to have you back but i know that could never happen so that stays in my dreams so dearly in my heart. i miss you with every breath i take and love so much it hurts. sleep tjght my lovely mum we will meet again oneday and that day i will forever long for. love you from tracey, roy, jay, maddison and jasmine xxxxx

tomorrow it is going to be christmas but is not going to be the same because your not there with us i miss you so much i just want you back with me. all i want for christmas is you but i know your not coming back so i have to deal with it but i love you so much not one day goes by when i do not think about you i love you loads and i will always will do your the best thing that happened to me and i will never forget you will always be in my heart 4ever i love you nanny <3

mum on thursday was maddisons 3rd birthday i cant believe shes 3 its gone so quick. i know you was there with us, i know you watched her open those presents. i know you heard her ask for her cake the minute she got out the bed, i know you were laughing, i just wished we could have seen you. she looks at your picture all the time. the other day when we had been out and got home she walked in the frontroom then turned round and just said hello nan, no one was there that you could see but i know that day she saw you. that day you was here, not just in my thoughts, my daughter confirmed what i knew. you are with us.i know you would have enjoyed the kids so much just to be with them, now i beleive although your not where we can see you, you are with us all the time. for the 1st time since you left i dont feel so alone because i know you are next to me. i love you mum with every breath i take, one day we will be back together and never part again love tracey xxxxx

Mum im sorry ive not been on for a while my computers been broke but youve still been in my thoughtd. You had another birthday that we had to spend apart, those special days break my heart cos we cant be together. I think of you every minute of every day, people say time is a healer but i cant feel that it still hurts so bad, i still miss you more than ever. How am i meant to get over you being taken away from me. Everyday i look at the kids and think how much they would have amused you then i get angry because you was cheated out of seeing them grow up and them cheated out of having you. Mum i miss you so much, i miss our chats, i miss just being with you. I feel so lost because i just want my mum even being 34 yrs old im proud to say i just want my mum..Oneday we'll be together again and never part again i long for that day. sleep tight mum i love you xxxxxx

Thinking Of You
With Love
Gemma Dave Leah & Jimmy

Happy. Birthday mum miss u so much it hurts knowing I can't see u on your birthday but I know u are with us in spirit everyday you was the greatest mum and we loved u so much all our love always your son rod and your daughter - law yvonne xxx

hi paul its me jeannie . i have,nt been to see tracy or any one jims been ill and ofcourse i am lookind after him . you know love its so great to your feel you around . its true what they say . that those you love live in your heart. and my lov you do.well paul .i hope to see tracy and your grandchildren soon . I SEND YOU MY LOVE XXXXXJEANNIE

Dear Aunt Pauline,
Its so hard to belive that 2 years have passed since you were taken from us,
Always always in my heart x
Gone but never ever forgoten x All my love Gemma x

Mum it has been 2yrs since god took u Away from us you was my mum and noone can take that away from me we miss you much god only takes the best love you lots mum lots of love rod and yvonne xxxxxx

Today has been 2 years since god took you away from us and still it feels like yeserday that my heart was ripped out I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU SO MUCH.
I have losted a nan with a heart of gold, how much i miss you cannot be told i thank you for your tender care for deep warm hugs and being there for me.
i never knew how much i'd grieve when it was time for you to leave or just how much my heart would ache from that one fragment you would take someone so special to me can never be forgotten i love and miss you everyday i love you nanny and i always will xx

Pauline thinking off u always missing u loads love yvonne xxxxx

Nan to walk into your room and see you smile,
I walked over and hugged you all the time,
you always made me smile and always had stories to tell.
I loved sitting with you everyday and listen to the memories you had to share
You showed us that life cant be all that bad
there is always a light at the end of a tunnel,
You were so strong,
You had faith in us all,
You had great sprit even if the day was dull.
you weren’t just my Nan
you were my best friend
I know you had to go,
now I feel I'm alone
but I know you're close.
when I feel the warmth at night I know its you giving me a good night kiss,
when I feel my chest getting tight I know that’s you giving me a big hug,
when I feel the wind brush through my hair
I know your whispering hello to me ..
when I see the sun shine I know you're happy,
when I see that bright star I know that’s you watching down on us all and smiling
now a beautiful angel watching over us all,
we pray to you each night.
Loosing you Nan broke my heart and every day without a doubt I think of you and shed a little tear, for a Nan I loved so dear.
14 years agoOh tracey, as a Mother who lost 2 babies myself I can tell you that your Mum is so very very proud of you! I know she sure wishes she was there with you and holding all of the grandchildren as well as you! I too lost my Momma, so I know this emptiness. She your Mum is around each and everyday I can promise you this.....that is what our Mothers do when God takes them and makes them the only difference is that your Mum and mine are wtaching us from Heaven. GOD BLESS YOU Tracey and your family! Maryann C. President/Founder of Buried with Dignity