I have triplet boys, I was fortunate enough to carry them long enough. You are still their mum, that'll never change. My utmost love and respect to you as another triplet mum. You did a good job. They will be there to greet you when the time comes.

Well my babies it is coming up to your Angel anniversary and I still miss you all so much.I know Alisha is with you know and you are all looking out for each other.I wish I could have saved you or even known I was having 3 babies but it was not to be,my heart hurts for you all.I will light a candle on the 20th and send love and prayers to you,I hope you are happy.I think about you all the time and wonder what your lives would be like,God bless you all.Love Mum xxxxxx

The day wore on and I was still bleeding, the doctor came out to me and he was drunk!,he gave me pain killers and said to rest,I was in a lot of pain now and crying.I remember wanting the loo and as I stood up a massive blood clot left me and I looked down and saw my baby,I screamed and felt sick.The doctor came back and took the clot into the kitchen, he first gave me morphine.It seemed like forever before my partner came back into the bedroom and say to me,omg there were three babies.I remeber asking where they were and was told the doctor had washed them down the sink :(.
For days after when I should have been in hospital I was bleeding and dying as the placenta had not come away.I will never forgive the doctor and my poor babies deserved better.
16 years agoYou would of been a great mommy !! I wish I had a mom like you