We all love and miss u babygirl know i will never forget that day i was home when chris came out screaming i still cant believe your gone it sems like it was yesterday in my head may robert lee barns rot for what did to to a sweet kind hearted girl like u u will always be in my heart meghan Nicole landowski 9/25/91-4/10/08 Love skyler peacock

Que Vivas En Los Corazones De Los Tuyos Y Otras Personas Que Le Duele Lo Que Te Paso a Ti...........

Meghan is such a unique person that there will never be another person like her. I remember her 16th birthday...she was so excited! She got some money for her birthday and all she wanted to do was SHOP! So, I took Meghan and her best friend Megan shopping all day...we were exhausted! It is still so hard to believe that such a beautiful person is gone because of something stupid. She was not only my daughter....she was my best friend. We love you Meghan and we miss you even more...Love-Mom
Megan Harkleroad-We miss you and love you too....you were such a big part of her life and she loved you like a sister....we will always be there for you..=)

There is so many idk which one to tell! OK i kno which one im goin to tell,her 16th birthday! we went shopping the whole day she got so many clothes, we baked her a cake and i spent the night at her house! we had so much fun that day! i miss her everyday, i love u baby girl! r.i.p.
Chelsa Church
16 years agoMeghan was so beautiful!!!