Mariluz,you will never be forgotten.Your story makes me cry,but I'm sure that you're in a better place now.Rest in peace, little angel xxx

Feliz ano novo, Mariluz. Nunca nos esquecemos de ti. Que estejas no melhor de todos os lugares. Sempre viva no nosso coração.

Happy Birthday, Mariluz.

Mariluz, happy Easter, wherever you are in heaven, you can be sure that I never forget about you, neither for a moment, for you are the only one I truly care about. You will always be special to me, no matter how many lives I live.

i sorry for your loss and wishing this child happish!!\ Love Danielle Alabran

Nunca haverá palavras suficientes neste mundo para expressar o que sinto por tí. Pequeno anjo, és tudo. Hasta el fin del mundo. Te quiero mucho.

·:*:· Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ·:*:· 3 años sin ti, Mary, pero nadie te olvida. Te quiero mucho, mi angel. Lo eres todo. Para siempre te amaré com todas mis fuerças. ·:*:· Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ·:*:·

Feliz dia de los Reys, Mariluz. Que sepas que pienso en ti y t deseo todo de lo mejor, en la protección de Dios. Lo eres todo. Te quiero mucho. DEP.

Happy new year, precious princess, wherever you are, in the spiritual world, all my prayers and love goes to you, always.

Happy new year, Mariluz Cortés. There's no such place as far away. Always thinking of you.

Merry Christmas, angel. Hope that you are in the best place of all in the protection of God. Never stop thinking of you and wishing all the best. Truly love and care about you. Rest In Peace, precious treasure.

Merry Christmas eve, Mariluz, all the best in the place you are now, for you deserve everything. You live on forever in a very special place of my heart.

♥ Mary, 8 años. En recuerdo de tu cumple. TKM Pequeña. Te amo.♥

Mariluz, I've never forgot about you, neither even for a moment, during all of this time. Just want you to know that you have all my love and prayers, and I will love you always. R.I.P.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Para a mais especial das crianças na terra e anjos do céu. Estejas onde estiveres, ocuparás sempre um lugar especial no meu coração. Amo-te pequena, daria tudo para te ver a sorrir. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

And for all children worldwide that are abused, neglected or kidnapped, may sweet Jesus bring you peace.

Tenia la esperanza de que estuviera bien, desde que ví a Mari Luz por primera vez en el telediario, no pasa ni un día que no me acuerde de ella. Muchas fuerzas para sus padres

A beautiful little girl, taken from the world too soon. Good night, god bless little one.
Sweet dreams, Mari Luz. xxx

My love and thougts go to Mari Luz Cortes family. Life is sometimes just so unfair. Such a beautiful little girl with her whole life ahead of her ended too soon and for no reason. xxxxxxxxx

It is so sad to have lost Mari Luz Cortes through you neighhour. It is like a curse!! There is noway a neighbour to go ahead and kill Mari Luz by suffocating her. This guy should be apprehended until his death. There is no moment that passes without thinking about Mari Luz and Madeliene McCann. My prayers are all to you.

my heart goes out to the parents.. god bless you .. i know what it is like to lose a child so young.. she looks a little cutie.. god bless x.x.x.x

My heart is broken to hear of the loss of your beautiful daughter, keep strong and may god bless you both xx

Im so sorry to hear of the loss of your beautiful beautiful daughter, keep strong, god bless you both x

Voa, voa pequena ave
Minha querida, minha andorinha
Vai para longe, vai serena...
Não deixes que nada aqui te prenda!
Junta-te ao céu e ao ar
Deixa-nos, deixa a terra
Deixa este mundo de miséria
Muda de Universo!
Voa, voa pequena menina
Voa meu anjo, minha dor...
Deixa o teu corpo e deixa-nos a nós
Que finalmente o teu sofrimento acaba!
Vai-te juntar à outra margem
Aquela das flores e dos risos
A que tu tanto querias
A tua vida de criança.
Voa, voa meu amor
Porque a vida é muito pesada
Porque nada abrandaria a tua dor
Voa para a tua última viagem.
Deixa as tuas horas de exaustão
Voa, tu foste roubada.
Torna-te uma brisa, sê uma andorinha
Para poderes voar
Voa, voa pequena chama
Voa meu anjo, minha alma
Deixa as misérias deste mundo
Vai redescobrir a luz!

God bless your beautiful daughter and you as beautiful parents. Mari has touched this world, she will never be forgotten. May the light of Jesus Christ help to protect you from your pain. Sincerely, Patricia Mullen, Scotland

God is beside her taking good care and looking for us.

My heart is bleeding.
Anneliza vd Schyff (South Africa)

En paz decanse angelito!

May you Rest In Peace, precious little darling XXX

i feel so sad that you were taken,iam a mother that can only imagine the unbearable pain your family is experiencing,may whoever is responsable be brought to justice!!good bless you little angel,my thoughts are with your whole family,mari luz you are an angel,god needed an angel and he got one!much love to the cortes family,love clare hughes

with deepest sympathy From the United Kingdom

Such a sweet child, You are in my prayers.

Rest in Peace little one.

You are a beautiful little girl who didn't deserve what happened to you.Rest in peace little Angel xxxxx

Sueño Mari Luz usted ahora es pacífico princesa segura.

Rest in peace mari,you are now in a place of safety and happiness where no more harm can come your way. deepset sympathy to your family at this awful time. xxx

I will never forget the beautiful picture of Mari Luz. What a lovely little girl. My heart goes out to you at this dreadful time.

safe with Jesus and the angels.
rest in peace Mari Luz

Mari Luz little one rest in peace

safe in the arms of jesus

pobre pequana, si joven con Dios en paz

Rest in peace beautiful Mari Luz, you are in a place of safety now, no more pain or harm will come your way. I wish with all my heart i could change what happened but i can't. One day you will be with your mummy and daddy again and it will be forever. Stay close in spirt to your mummy and daddy they love you with all their heart, they miss you so much Mari.
Mr and Mrs Cortes,
I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter, she was a sight for sore eyes. I wish i could ease your pain, my heart and love are with you at this time. Mari will be close to you in spirt at all times, please hold onto that thought. She is safe now and in the arms of the good lord, never will she suffer again.
I wish you strength and faith and reassure you that Mari will be waiting for you in heaven. You will in time be reunited again. I will never forget you or your beautiful daughter i promise you that.
All my love and thoughts
Sharon Bradford

May you be dancing with all the angels in heaven now Mari, may you rest in peace.

thinking of you sweetheart rest in peace presious little

And tradgedy the life of a little girl who had her whole world ahead of her taken far to soon now in the safe arms of god Mari parents are in my thoughts

Fly away on golden wings,
Far from all these mortal things.
Fly to where the Angels live,
See the beauty Heaven gives.
Fly away from darkness, night,
Fly away and find the light.
Fly away your life is done,
Your endless journey has begun.
But hold your memories bittersweet,
Until once again we meet.
Fly away on golden wings,
Your heart is pure, your soul will sing.
Fly on the other shore,
Where there is peace forevermore.

Thinking of you Mari Luz Cortes. You were such a lovely little girl darling, have fun playing up in heaven with all the other angel children.
Keep strong Mari Luz's family

What a beautiful little princess Mari was.... my heartfelt condolences with her Mother & Father.... Mari will always be remembered and now she is safe with the angels.

I do not know Mari Luz' family but my heart is with them ... remember this :