Mom you were special in every way, I remember most Thanksgiving weekend, leaving my house and fell out the door with a big Turkey in my hand. And yep broke my ankle on that fall. We got up to our place just down the road from you at 4:00 am. I Remember Dave bringing me crutches as I couldn't wake. The next morning you drove me to the Hospital, uneventful. But getting me into a wheel chair that was something else you pushed it so fast. I could see the information counter coming at me so quick and my foot was sticking out and I knew you forget to leave room for my foot so as not the hit the counter. I yelled watch out.....She stopped in the nick of time. Spent the rest of the Holiday sitting and being waited on When I was suppose to make dinner. Miss you Mom

I always remember mom doing artsy things around the house to make it pretty. She painted flowers on lampshades, toilet seats, ect. Her Christmas decorations were always jazzed up somehow to make them special.
She always had little touches to everything in the house using anything she could find. She could take something simple as a piece of yarn and make something out of it..
I sure miss those little things......

Every spring Leone would start raking leaves and get a pile in the driveway circle, then go back into the house, leaving that pile of leaves which over time would kill the grass. I would go out and pick up the pile of leaves and do more yard work. It took me a long time to realize she would put that pile of leaves there just to get me to do yard work.

Mom had to drive me while I was in labor to the hospital in dads truck. She sat on the very edge of the seat and could still barely reach the pedels. It didn't matter, she used that big toe and had it floored all the way to Lapeer from LO. I was so surprised because she always seemed calm enough in most emergencies. She got me there in plenty of time. Later she told me that she was sure I was sitting on dads payroll for the guys at work and she was afraid my water would break. ahahaha. She couldn't say anything because there was another passenger in the truck and she didn't want them to know the payroll was in there. Oh yeah, that was a wild ride. I was really afraid because with her experience she must have known something I didn't and that I might have the baby right there in the truck. But we all got there safe and she sat by my side the whole long night until yet another grandbaby came into the world. I miss her so.

Mom was in the back seat of a car that was a two door. It was so funny watching her try to get out. I laughed so very hard.

My last memory, one Memorial Day Weekend not so long ago, the one that made me feel like I was with someone who was like me was learning that my daily need for chocolate was inherited from her. She made me feel a since of family that I don't get to feel too often.

One memory I have of mom that makes me smile is remembering her adventures with home hair color kits. She was not always lucky with the color outcome as the kits back then were not as reliable as they are now. She was always in good humor about it though and accepted herself as she was.
I remember this so well Barb, a few of those times it was me that turned her hair pink, then blue another time. I was big into doing hair. She was ginue pig. Gotta love her for letting me try.