I worked with Keenan in 87/88/89 at Camp Bob Cooper. We performed on stage for the campers and Keenan's voice was that of an Angel. He was loved by everyone he met. I still have recordings of his Morning Show filled with humor, skits, characters he played, and music to get the kids out of bed. He would laugh so hard sometimes that he would fall to the floor, or sometimes he would jump up out of his chair and run out of a room while laughing. All the counselors loved him.....he will truly be missed......his voice will remain with me forever.
Brother, I love you
David Mann

Love you...miss you....you were so talented that angels would listen

I had the pleasure of working with Keenan in 87/88/89 at camp Summerton SC.
We sang songs on stage for the campers....Whitney's song of "I believe the children are our future......." was one song he performed every week. It brought tears to the counselors eyes. He touched all our hearts in a powerful way. I shall never forget him, he was my brother, my best friend, and so talented that angels listened.
I will miss his laughter.... Sometimes he would laugh at something so hard, he would fall to the floor or simply run out of the room while continuing to laugh.
We all will miss his Morning Music Show (with characters, songs, humor, announcements, and sound effects. I still have recordings of these . He was amazing! Keenan.....you were loved by millions

I was performing arts Director over Keenan for a few years at Camp Bob Cooper. He hosted the morning "Live" music show over the loudspeakers... To wake the campers up. I still have recordings of his crazy funny jokes, songs, and characters he played. He many times would laugh at something so hard and loud that he would fall to the floor or run out of a room while continuing to laugh. I loved him and am very saddened to hear of his passing. His signature song still rings in my head every time I see young campers..."I believe the children are our future.

I knew Keenan from just two brief summers at the Robert M Cooper Leadership Center near Summerville, SC on Lake Marion. He was a great influence to me personally, and I am sad that I am only now learning of his passing.
He helped me to look inside a man. I am forever grateful,
Thank you Keenan, I think you understand.

I knew Keenan at Camp Bob Cooper in Summerton, SC in the late 80's. I have never forgotten his talent.

Keenan - I cant believe that I am reading this. Although its almost 2 years to the anniversary of your death I am so sadden by it. If any of his family can contact me please do. Im an old friend from Georgia. sraterrie@yahoo.com or srateresita@bellsouth.net