Jenny was full of life and always ready to lend a helping a hand to anyone who needed one. She loved to play board games and yatzee. She was devoted to her church and loved singing in the choir. The last time I saw her was at her home on Thursday evening before her death on Saturday. I was driving down the road near her home and called on the cell phone and got no answer. When I arrived at her home, the car was there so I knocked on the door. She greeted me at the door, "You can come in, but not for long, I have to be at choir practice in 10 minutes!" She seemed so fine but complained of being tired. But no wonder, she was so busy helping othersand had a tendency to burn the candle at both ends. Jenn, I miss you and will always love you.
16 years agoRich,please email me at annb217@hotmail.com. Thank you for all the pictures-many I have never seen. I miss Jenny so much and am still devastated that she left. A friend of ours from KC dreamt about Jen the other night and wrote and told me that in the dream Jen said"Im fine,but I hope Ann can stop being mad at me"That is exactly what she said to me the last couple of times we talked."Mad at me" was a term she used if she thought I was some how upset with her.I never was and told her I wasn't "mad"or even annoyed,she was busy as I was and sometimes it would be weeks before we could talk due to our schedules. Take care Rich,Jen talked about you all the time and you were very dear to her.Ann bradshaw