Yesterday was 6 months since you have been gone. I cant help but feel when i watch your movies you are still here, but then i realize you aren't sometimes I even cry. You may think I am some crazed fan. BUT the truth is. i would've given anything to meet you. Now i cant. Until i go. I KNOW I WILL MEET YOU SOMEDAY! I hope you are happy where you are and I will see you when i get there. I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER! RIP baby. <3

Love Heath... 4 ever

Assisti Batman ontem, 23/07/2008. A atuação de Heath estava fantástica, tão jovem e muito bonito. Vai fazer bastante falta.

It's been 6 months 2 the day 2day since you've been gone,but not forgotten,you are alive in my heart always,death is only the beginning .LOVE YOU

Heath, I can't believe this world has been without you for a half of a year now. It seems like yesterday when I heard the news. Now six months later, and ironically, today is a tuesday. How I wish I could go back in time to that day. Right now, at this very moment, you were alone in your room, breathing your last. You were such a special person. God must have had something really important for you to do in Heaven to call you back at such a young age. But me and everyone else wishes you could have stayed longer. How I wish someone had been there with you that day. Now, the way we can keep your memory alive is to remember just how amazing you were, both as a person and an actor. You were so determined and ambitious. I am like you in that sense. And if everyone looked at life the way you did, the world would be such a better place. Enjoy your eternal bliss, Heath, and just know that you ARE and ALWAYS will be loved and missed. I'll see you someday. Can't wait!

The movie 10 things i hate about you means very much for me. Its a beautiful movie.
Can´t believe such a shining person have passed away so young.
Rest in peace , Heath. Look down from heaven and smile, for the things youv'e done that makes a difference too people.

Heath, thank you for everything. You're very special to me, I'll love you till my death. Rest in peace, angel.

He was the best. I wish the best to his daughter. I hope she will have some memory of him. But that will not happen i think. I`m so sorry for her.

I am still so sad and shocked at Heath's passing at such a young age. I totally enjoyed all his movies and his great looks really made an impression on me. I pray for him and his family and know he is in heaven now charming all the angels and saints. I know his fans and I will never forget his special presence. Rest in peace, Heath.

I saw The Dark Knight last night. I knew you wouldn't disappoint me, Heath. Your performance was absolutely amazing, one of the best I have ever seen. I definitely think you're worthy of an Oscar. It seemed that during the movie, everyone was there for you, that everyone was on your side. The whole theater just laughed and clapped and cheered for you throughout the scenes in your movies. You've left such an impact on the world, Heath. Everyone has fallen in love with you and I can't tell you how happy it makes me. it even brings tears to my eyes. I'm so proud of you, Heath, and I'm still trying to come to terms with your death. I still can't believe it. It isn't fair that you aren't here to enjoy your success and to see how many people love you and your performance. I wish you could be here to see the movie completed, to share the experience with your co-stars, to talk about your role as the Joker and to bless us with your talent in more roles. I can't thank you enough for everything you've given this world. I can't walk around SoHo without a heavy heart these days. It doesn't feel right, knowing that you once walked these streets, and that now you can't. I miss you. Everyone does. The world loves you Heath and I wish you could be here to see the response. You are so talented and one of the best actors of our generation. I hope that wherever you are now you are happy and at peace. I hope your new beginning is magical. I'm so sorry you can't be here with Matilda. I know how much you loved her and spoke about her and how much you wanted to be a part of her life. Be at peace where you are and make the most of your new beginning. God bless you Heath. I love you, miss you, and I'll never forget you. Ever. You will always be in my heart and in the heart of millions of others.

I have watched all Heath's movies.. and he is an incredible actor in all of them.. It is such a tragedy that he is gone from this world but he isn't gone from all our hearts and minds.. he will never be forgotten.. he will be missed by all.. my love goes out to his family and his beautiful daughter...

Hey, Heath,
Just saw Dark Knight, and I have to say that you were absolutely fantastic! You took that character to a whole new level, and I'm sure you'll get the Oscar. You deserve it. Every screen in our theather was showing your movie, and every one was sold out tonight. At the end, everyone started cheering for you, and I'm sure that is happening all around the country. Everyone is proud of you, Heath. Your family, friends, and fans. We all wish you were here to take credit for your hard work. But tonight was bittersweet. Only one more movie left, and that's it. We'll never see you on screen again. I miss you. You should be here. Congratz again on a job well done. You'll never be forgotten.

I just saw the Dark Knight what a performance.... the world has lost a great actor.. But heaven has gotten an amazing angle..We will all miss you and your talent.

i have to say that i have seen every movie heath ledger had ever made. He was an amazing talent. I went to see Dark Knight today, and was overwhelmed by his performance. I kept forgetting it was him. I found myself realizing how much he delved into his characters down to the small things such as the tongue rolling that the mentally ill in institutions go thru when they have been withdrawn from drugs. Which if you watch in Dark Knight was amazing. He filled a scene disturbed it and the final scene with him was chilling and made you realize that was his last. In a world of fake stars he was a throwback to a real mans man actor. He took on each role and made it is his own. I am not a star crossed person, but found myself sad at the end of the movie today remembering that he won't be that actor anymore. And he made me want to go to see real movies again from the first time he grinned in ten things i hate about you to his broken hearted face in broke back mountain to the face in Dark Knight that made you even forget it was him itwas so good! God speed!

I just seen The Dark Knight tonight for my birthday, it was everything I expected it to be. You were great and did an amazing job. As you did in all your movies. You will be truely missed but your memories will live on forever. My prayers go out to your family and daughter, I hope all is well with you all right now. God Bless.

Gostaria de voltar no tempo para nunca ter ouvido notícia tão trágica.
Saudade, a palavra mais bonita existente na língua portuguesa para descrever o que sentimos:
saudade do talento e da beleza de Heath, e daquele inconfundível sorriso, brilhante que poderia ser somente dele. Meus olhos ainda se enchem de lágrimas lembrando que Deus levou embora um dos maiores talentos do cinema... é uma grande perda.
Sentimos sua falta. Meus pesâmes à família e a todos nós...
Heath, você é simplesmente isubstituível...

I think that Heath's role as the Joker in The Dark Knight was awesome. I could see that movie a thousand times and never get tired of it. It was Heath's best role ever! When I saw him as the joker, it tore me up inside, knowing that he was gone. I know that he will live on forever in his movies and in my heart forever. I miss you, Heath and I think about you everyday. You will be alive in my heart forever. Miss ya mate.
Love, heaths#1fan XoXo.

you will live forever in your daughter , Mathilda .
for us you are already a oscarwinner, a great actor , a great father
whe will miss you , and never forget you ,
Whe pray for your family

I've always thought it was tragic when famous, wealthy people do stupid things to end their lives far too early, but you were different. Everyone who talks about you says what a great, down to earth person you were. Just a regular, quiet guy. What a tragedy.
As a bit of a dreamer and a romantic, "A Knights Tale" has been one of my favorite movies since the first time I saw it. I can't imagine a better performance in that role. Since then, I've always looked forward to seeing what you'd do next. I am deeply saddened when I think of not getting to see you in any more movies. But sadder yet is that you won't get to share the rest of your daughter's life. My 9 year old daughter was 5 when she first saw A Knight's Tale. Afterwards, she would walk around the house occasionally putting her fist in the air as she yelled "WILLIAAAAAAAAAM"!
I wish I'd known you and even called to talk and helped you through that sleepless time. And I wish you were here with us again. I'm going to go see Dark Knight this weekend and I'm sure I will choke back the tears after the movie is over because you will never make any more movies. And you will never know how happy and sad you've made your fans.
I pray that your daughter gets to read what your fans thought and knows how happy we are to have had you in the world, even for all too short a time. And I pray that your parents find peace in knowing how much joy you've brought the world.
Thank you, Heath, for performing your heart out for us.

Es una pena que un actor tan prometente haya muerto tan joven...en el recuerdo quedan las peliculas que ha girado y su gran calidad interpretativa...

We miss Heath and still in shock of his passing away .Heath was a good actor .Love and Prayers to Heath family . Keep the Faith

I never saw anybody so sweet looking and good kid as him, I have loved all his movies and I was so chocked when I heard about his death. I will really miss him so much.

THE DARK KNIGHT, was everything i expected,your performance, bloody marvelous,love you,miss u always.

we miss you Heath!! becouse you are dead becouse??i like you...i miss you... kiss...

you completely captivated me in 10 things i hate about you. I am sad that you are no longer here, and my prayer is that you had accepted the Lord as your savior. our prayers are with the family.

Well you will be a hero for many young childreen out there around the world.
As you said in one of your movies:
William: Father, I am afraid, I won't know the way back home.
John Thatcher: Don't be foolish, William, you just follow your feet.

i just miss you. i can't wait to see you again. please wait for me javascript:void(null)
We'll try to conquer the world next time. together.

I am 20 years old, I remember when I first watched a Knights Tale when I was just 14, Heath had such an aura about him which you couldnt help being drawn to, amazing screen presence in no matter what role he played.
I cannot wait to see The Dark Knight, from what I hear and see about the trailers and everything else in the media heath ledger certainly made his mark playing' the joker'.
Heath is truly missed by all of his fans the world over, obviously no one will ever imagine the pain of Heath's family and friends, but as one of his many,many fans I can say he is greatly missed and respected, not just because his death was so untimely but he really was one of the few finest actors of his generation.
R.I.P Heath, hope you have settled in to your new place! Peace & Love Holly XxX

He came into our lives as quickly as he left and still he has made a mark on hearts as if he had been here for 100 years. You will never be forgotten Heath we LOVE you,always.

I would have to say that my fond memory of you is the seen from "10 things" when you sang "you're just to good to be true". You know I think that's how alot of people thought of you to good to be true. You know I watch the documentaries about your career and I see how many people admired you and LOVED you. I do believe that you were at the peek in your career and unfortunately we will never know your true greatness but I am glad that that we were at least given a glimpse of your beauty, that is better than never knowing it at all and know that you have left your inprint on many, many hearts.

Thank you for Ennis. The character affects me everyday, still. How can an actor have gotten it so right? As you told us, now that you have a beautiful daughter, you can now meet death knowing you will live on through her. I pray for Michelle that she keeps you alive and that she NEVER forgets you.
"There ain't no reins on this one."

you will always be remembered through out time and even in 100 years from now, people will go through Blockbusters or another video rental store, see a movie you have been in, and cry for your family's loss, daughter's, and your life's. im sooooooooooo sorry you didnt even get 2 celebrate your birthday!! and im sorry you had to go. rest in peace Heath.

Heath I just want to tell u that the first time I laid eyes on u I thought you were soooooo Beautiful inside and out!!!! and I barely got to see your movies but I watched your true hollywood story and i just completly cried. I miss u so much and i can*t wait to see u on the other side, you are just so amazing and wonderful. And I know u will always be with your daughter Matilda because she is Beautiful as well just like you. You are by far one of My favorite Actors in the world and can*t wait to see all your movies!!!!!! i know your new movie that is supposed to be released in 2009 i will not watch because u were supposed to be in it and someone else is going to play your character for u so i will not watch it because u won*t be there in it. R.I.P. Beautiful Heath I love u and miss u!!!


i cant wait OMG 18/07/08

what I can say? heath was only e always will be. I love you.

Jag älskade filmen Brokeback Mountain. Du var underbar i filmen! Det är väldigt tråkigt att du inte längre finns här på jorden. Tänker på din underbara dotter Matilda Rose. Jag är glad att Michelle gör film om Dig till Matilda Rose, så hon får veta hur underbar du var när hon har blivit en stor flicka.
Vila i frid, Heath Ledger!

Love you,thinking about you,miss you, can't wait to be with you again.

heath, what a remarkable actor you were in life. Thank you for your courage in Brokeback Mountain. I cringe at the trailers for the Dark Knnight, you were genius and te Oscar is yours Im sure. I remember when i heard of your death how the tears wouldnt stop and when i see one of your movies or you pop into mind its still the same. Thank you for what you have given us.

this s for you

i was a big fan of him

i was a big fan

du är och var en jätte bra skådis <33
jag har precis börjat gilla dig som skådespelare....
har sett några filmer som du är med i.....
jätte bra.....
jag kommer alltid att minnas dig som killen i Brokeback Mountain
Märta Ekman <333333

I just wanted to say, that I really miss You Heath and that You were (and still are in our eyes) the best actor ever! Though I have not seen so many movies (maybe 4 or 5, but love them all!!!), it feels like a big piece is gone. Love You and miss You very, very much!
Wherever You are, in heaven, another life, I just hope you'll remember: that we will always remember a wonderful person!!
And I know You're watching over us, and most of all: Your daughter Matilda, Your family and friends, You will always have that special place in their, and our hearts!!!
RIP Heath and missing You terribly!

I don't really know how to put what I'm feeling into words. I was left upset and confused after the news of your unexpected and premature death back in January....I'm convinced it was an accident and am so angry at some people for suggesting anything otherwise. Heath, you struck me as the type of person who was kind, caring and always willing to take risks, it is such a shame that your daughter, the beauiful Matilda will never get to know her wonderful father better...It is the world's loss that we will never know what you might have achieved later on in your exciting and promising career and my condolensces and best wishes will always be with your family. All we are seeing at the moment is clips of your last film "The Dark Knight" and I'm excited to see how you portrayed the famous character "The Joker" but at the same time it will remind me that it will be the last first time I will ever watch one of your films and to see your smiling face I will only be able to watch it on videos, in pictures or in magazines. I hope that wherever you are Heath, that you are happy and are looking down on Matilda, your family and friends and watching over us everyday. ...RIP and sweet dreams Heath xxxx

Your movie THE DARK KNIGHT will be in the cinemas soon,oh how i will miss you.The thing is i hope this will shut all the idiots up, all the critics and narrow minded freaks , who once showed no remorse when you departed.Branding you gay.This movie will be the prove to them you were the best at whatever you did, there was never,there is and there never will be another to match you.What you have accomplished, some laugh at the idea of the Perth Theatre named in your honour,commenting you had no theatrical trainning, i hope the blind would get their sights back and that natural talent cannot be compared to a piece of paper.LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU.

It was sad to say I didn't really know Heath Ledger's movies that well intill i seen that he died then i went out and got movies with him in it he was such a great acture i went and bought all the magazines of his death he will be missed alot and no one will ever take his place and my heart goes out to his daughter she will never even began to know how much her daddy loved her and i know hes is watching over as i speak thank you making this memory thing for him

Its been 5 months and i still cant get over your death. Its unfair that the good people are the ones that suffer. If i feel like crap then i can not imagine how your friends and family feel. I hope that Matilda will know what a genuine person you were.
Send my love to all those affected and to say that your own memories of heath are priceless and precious

Heath when i found out about you death i was heartbroken, i have loved you from the first time i saw one on your movies,my heart go out to your Daugther Matilda,friends and family. But that not going to take away anyones pain. i really dont know what to say but i miss and love you!! i will see you one day =]
ii love you
16 years agoGod have mercy of you because i love you and you were a good person.