I went to Hordle Walhampton School as a pupil and when I was there, truthfully I have never met a kinder and bubbly guy in my life. we got on so well. After one school term, my mum actually drove him to Beaulieu, the next village from Lymington, and on the way we all got on brilliantly and he provided that bond for all of us to have a good time on the way. You must be great parents to have raised someone as cool as him. I send you my very best wishes and heartfelt condolences.

I just wanted to say that, 4 months on, I still think of George, even though I only met him a few times. My mum worked at Hordle Walhampton in Lymington with him.
You must be wonderful people to have raised such a remarkable man.
Thank you, and thinking of you.

Dear Mr & Mrs Matchett,
I work at the school in Lymington UK where George was a gap student. Over the year he was here we became friends, how could you not with someone like George. Each and every week he would come into my office with a tale to tell and how we giggled at some of them. George had the ability to light up a room when he entered, he was truly one of lives genuinely lovely people. I missed George loads when he left but knew he was happy, now I am totally consumed with grief at his very sad passing. I have a son just a little older than George and cannot begin to imagine how you are feeling. I hope that by knowing how George touched so very many people,you will be able to find some comfort. I send you my very best wishes and heartfelt condolences.

Dear Clemence and Bill
Well words totally escape me to adequately express my sympathy to you both on your tragic loss. Whilst I know what it is to lose a child, George was a healthy happy young man making his way in the world and your loss is irreplaceable.
Clemence, I tried to contact your Mum & Dad but not sure of their number as they appear to have moved. I tried both numbers in the phone book but failed to answer - please send my love to them too
If when things settle down in time, as they wil,l and you would like to chat please call me - 0418 482743 - maybe I can listen !
I am away at present and cant be their with you tomorrow but as my memory serves me it will all be a blurr which in time sometimes is a blessing
Be kind to yourselves and try to remember all the happy times you all enjoyed together
Love and Best wishes
Hilton Kensit