My father died ten years ago, and my mother died three years ago. Although I have some very caring cousins and friends, I feel intensely lonely at the holidays. The celebrations have become empty for me, no matter how I try to maintain the traditions we shared, and which I miss. We, too, have the tradition of setting an empty place at the Christmas Eve table, for the 'lonely traveller'. My new holiday reality has become an empty table. I really don't know how to handle this all.

This year my husband and I are spending our Christmas away from family and loved ones as we have moved away from the UK on our retirement. But we will remembering them particlarly my parents who have both passed away, and who are reunited once more.
My thoughts and prayers are with those who may be alone over this holiday period and have nothing but their memories. If you know of anyone like this pay them a visit it would help so much.

He oma, ik ga deze kerst met Melanie en de kinderen samen zijn. Hopelijk komt mama ook nog langs. Ik moest vandaag erg denken waarom ik me druk maakte om zaken, terwijl jij er niet meer bent. Ik hoop dat ik de beheersing heb om vaker aan je te denken als ik weer doordraaf. xxx

Christmas with Jesus
I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below,
with tiny lights, like heaven's stars, reflecting on the snow.
The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away that tear,
for I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear,
but the sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here.
I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring,
for it is beyond description, to hear the angels sing.
I know how much you miss me. I see the pain inside your heart,
but I am not so far away. We really aren't apart.
So be happy for me dear ones. You know I hold you dear,
and be glad I'm spending Christmas, with Jesus Christ this year.
God sends you each his special gift, from my heavenly home above.
A promise wrapped in scarlet, his Son's undying love.
After all "Love" is the gift, more precious than pure gold.
It was always most important in the stories Jesus told.
Please love and keep each other, as my Father said to do,
for I can't count the blessings he holds for each of you.
So, have a Merry Christmas and wipe away that tear.
Remember, I'm spending Christmas, with Jesus Christ this year.

This will be the first Holiday Season without my Mother We lost her after a long hard fought battle with cancer this past Feburaury 13th, One of the things I remember most about this Wonderful woman was her huge heart, One Christmas naturally money was a bit tight, but Mom came home from her shift working for the USPS (United States Postal Service) Retiring after 27 years in the late 90's Anyway Mom asked my Sister and I if it was alright with us, if she got a name or two from the Angel Tree to get a few gifts for the less fortunate We were not too far from needing asistance ourselves but that was the was Mom was always thinking of others and putting them and their needs above her own. Mom was a very loving and giving Woman and there is not a moment that goes by that I do not think of her and Miss that big beautiful smile that went right along with her huge Heart Rest in Peace Mom and Merry Christmas You first Christmas spent with Jesus I can just about imagine the celebration that is happening in Heaven with you Grandma and Grandpa, Also Thank you for teaching me to be a decent Human being
Happy Holidays everyone

for john
christmas was his special time, butterflys in stomach for everyday of the advent calendar, the seconds, minutes, hours and days getting longer as the 25th approached. School work was forgotten, concentration did not exist,christmas tree dressing and decorations, lights and present wrapping filled his time.Then came the tv guides and with military precision our christmas tv programs were planned. Everyday the smile on his face got wider, going to the supermarket and watching him in his tinsel decorated wheelchair selecting the veg for christmas dinner, eyes wide in the shopping mall at the huge decorations and soaking up all the hustle and bustle that past most of us by.Christmas eve `the longest night` hearing him touch his santa stocking on the bed with his foot and realising it has been filled,the loud coughs and sighs at 05:30 hoping somebody will hear,not being able to sit still in his chair on the way downstairs to see if santa has been and that special `wow`sound only heard on christmas morning.You`ve been gone 10 years now but your always with us
happy christmas son
all our love
dad and mam and not forgetting the one and only laura
keep looking after her xxx

This song always reminds me of my father during Christmas. He would play O Holy Night every year for my family.

It has been 51/2 yrs. since you've been gone, & our 6th Chistmas without you. All of our traditions just aren't the sme (The 1's I can bring myself to do) If it wasn't for your youngest son we would have no tree, no lights, etc. I try, I really do, but it seems every year I am even more depressed. We have a 1 yr. old granddaughter, and a baby boy coming the begining of the year. She adores her Daddy who is just like you, and her uncles who also adore her. But I can't lookat her without thinking how much you would be spoiling this darling little girl, just like you did your neices when they were little. I know you love & adore your boys but I also saw how much you would have wanted a daughter. I miss you so much & sometimes I really think I cannot make it another year,even with all the support of family & friends it will never be the same & I cant keep doing it without you. But I will take it 1 day at a time as I have been, but I need your help & the help of Our Lord. Please send me a Guardian Angel. You were my Life, My Love, My Soul, My Sacrafice - We were supposed to grow old together. God took you at 44, youngest was 10 & he became the man of the house & still is at 16. Our 19 yr. old wh was a terrific kid who we were so proud of has not been the same since the day you died & no one can help him, I am so afraid for him & I get so mad at you sometimes for leaving us alone. But we have wonderful memories, lots of pictures & videotape of the HUGE, REAL Trees we always got, haven't had 1 since you died. We Miss You & Love You & Thank God for the time we had with you.

your memory will live on and on
i miss you my child
i pray my days to be short
so i can be with you
for always

my dad died last year this will be the holiday without him i really feel lone some without him he was my best freind he alway keeping me going when holiday come around he truly is miss by our family
by sharon


I know holiday blues. But sometimes the next year is better than the last. It's okay to feel down.

There are days that are up and days that are down. My job can be tough. A lot of challenges. There are also people who are missed and some who are sick and need our blessings. The world is always changing and I'm glad I'm here for my friends and family.

Have yourself a merry little Christmas

Grandma, each Christmas I am with you. Though grandma, you and I know that even we are separated by life, we are spiritually together.

A few years ago I lost one of my best friends Red. He might not have been sitting next to me during dinner, he sure would have been standing next to me at the party afterwards. So far not a year has gone by without remembering him for a few seconds, and I'm sure I will never forget him.

In Poland we have tradition of living free plates and seat for an unexpected visitor. When I was very very young I always waited if somebody will come. It was so exciting!

This Christmas will be the first one without my grandmother (, and the first one for my young cousing Sam. It is a crossing in time. Not sure where I will be this year. But they both will have a special place in my heart this year. love

This year I'll be missing my Grandma. Thanks for putting this up.

I remember the year my kids had to sing marshmallow world in the school pageant. They loved it and kept singing it for days and days. The rest of us thought we were going to go nuts but we wanted to be supportive so we kept our mouths shut.
Dad took them aside and gave them his old records to play with. He wanted them to know the songs he loved and always said the music was "timeless".
After a few seconds, my kids got really quiet and I came into the living room to see what was wrong. They lay there with their heads on his lap, silent and listening as Nat King Cole's voice filled the room from that scratchy Magnavox player.
That song will always make me think of the people I love.