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Ricki Small
11 years ago

I would just like to extend some prayers and thoughts to Dianes' family. Good on you to fight for the Dignity she should of had to begin with. May she be at peace and may your hearts be lighters these days.

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Darlene Wedd
13 years ago

I, too have read the Book based on Dianne's unfortunate death and the situation that the family who travelled with her were left to endure. I cannot come to terms with the way that the cruise company dealt with Dianne's sister Alma and the family when all the wanted to do was Get The clothes and personal items from their cabin. When the people who were involved in this entire fiasco were allowed to come and go from there cabin and get what they wanted. The family were abandoned by the cruise company and I do not blame them for being angry and upset at the treatment they received during the months after the passing of this beautiful woman. To Alma and the Entire Brimble family. Thank you for the strength and the courage that you all showed during the trial.

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13 years ago

I too did not know Dianne but I have thought a great deal about her over these past 8 sad years. I can not even begin to imagine what it has been like for those close to her when I have felt sick to my stomach watching those criminals smirking away at their treachery. For some time I have wanted to put into words to her family and friends my greatest sympathy for what you have had to endure from the media and the terrible things those scums of society have said about lovely Dianne and after today's findings by the coroner I felt compelled to reach out my hand and hope that you can now try to find some sort of peace in your lives. May Dianne too now be able to rest peacefully.

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13 years ago

I have always been ver disturbed about what happened to beautiful Dianne Brimble. I am reading a book about her at present and I am sick to the stomach about what she experienced. I can't imagine what her family have been through and must still be going through. I am sickened to think that men such as the men Dianne encountered live in our society. We must be proactive about ensuring these people are held to account. Their attitudes and behaviours will never be acceptable in our society. The big lesson I took from this case is that people must do more in terms of looking out for eachother. The number of people who saw Dianne in that cabin and did nothing is a disgrace! My husband and I have made a committment to always ask questions if something does not look right, after reading 'Abandoned'. Just yesterday we saw a lady walking on a motorway and instead of driving by like thousands of others did we back-tracked asked her if she needed help and you know what, she actually desperately needed help. Lets all take a lesson from Dianne's experience and look after one-another. Rest in peace Dianne and may God take care of your beautiful family.

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13 years ago

Firstly, I would like to extend my deepest sympathies to Ms Brimbles family. I did not have the pleasure of knowing Dianne personally, though I have followed this case closely for many years now. I am a young mother who once studied law and worked in a law firm as an assistant. I left the legal profession because of the realisation that even though i had a strong passion to champion for peoples justice, justice is not always served. And so is the case here. Its such a shame. The good ones fall through the cracks. But Diannes passing has not been in vain. Nor, will her story, or her beautiful smile, ever be forgotten. To me, it has made me more aware of my surroundings, of the predatory nature of some people and the moral obligation to help somebody (regardless of the supposed lack of legal duty of care). I hope Dianne's family find peace. And that Dianne's soul can rest in peace. You were a beautiful lady Dianne, and you touched people in life and in death. May god be with you.

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13 years ago

I didn't know Diane, but have followed this tragic story from the very beginning. I cried every time I read an article or saw pictures or thought about her children and family. I cried because I can not comprehend or understand how people can have no compassion,decency or respect for one another and then to have no justice from the courts as the final slap in the face. I believe all things happen for a reason and what you do will come back to you. I hope all Australians will not forget the names and faces of these predators and the shame of what they did follow them all of their lives. Rest in Peace Beautiful Lady

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13 years ago

I stumbled upon this story today. I am appalled at the way these men treated Diane. It is very enlightening to me that these men would treat women this way. They are the trash and tried to make it seem that Diane was. I feel so sorry for her children and family. May you rest in peace Diane.

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Diane J
14 years ago

I feel so much for Dianne's husband and children as it is such a bit of nonsense that the court is concerned with "what's his name's" suffering, from adverse publicity. Good grief!! I agree with "outraged". Nothing changes. If you don't conform to whatever the twit who's looking at you thinks is the ideal, you are worse then human. It seems to me that there are always parasites, and they don't even realise that they are parasites- who go one to have their own daughters, mind you. There are a lot of people who care, and are very concerned about this judgement. At the very least the Judge should have worded his statement slightly differently, or at least explained in a bit more detail the reason for his decision out of respect for Dianne's family.

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14 years ago

From a mum to a mum. Just having a break from hard work. It is not fair! I think about Diane every day. God be with her. Wish I could do more.

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14 years ago

I agree. Where on earth is the justice in Australia that a murderer can get off scott free whilst a rugby league team gets slammed!!! Do these judges not have daughters of their own or sisters or wives???

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14 years ago

I am very saddened by the events that have unfolded in the Dianne Brimble case. I have no doubt that Dianne Brimble was a good, loving woman to her children and family, the way her husband and ex husband championed her cause was admirable and showed what a great loss her death was to her loving family. There is also no doubt in my mind that she was preyed upon and used so disgustingly on that ship ,on that night and she now has received no justice in her untimely death from the actions of men who also tried to degrade her once more in the courts. I am left once again wondering if there is ever justice meted out in our Australian courts. My heart breaks every time I see a picture of you Dianne, I did not know you but I hope your death is not in vain and that this never happens to another woman on a ship at sea or any where else for that matter.

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14 years ago

I,like all the others who have written here before me, am disgusted in our justice system. The lack of respect that is directed towards women in this country appals me and we will never be a civilised country until this changes. My heart goes out to all of Dianne's family and friends. These predators must be brought to justice and our society must refuse to accept their pathetic excuses, or in some cases, their lack of even acknowledgement of their repulsive behaviour. The struggle for equality in this country is far from over.

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14 years ago

I have followed the case against those accused of Ms Brimble's shocking murder. Where are the rights of women in this case? As usual they take a woman's character and make sure she is made look bad and the the men are let off has been happening for centuries and I would have thought our justice system would now be wise enough to see through this. However our justice system is flawed in the fact that the majority of judges are also males. Why is it wrong, because women have rights too!

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14 years ago

I am totally appalled and disgusted at the outcome of this case. I am one of many who have shed tears over Ms Brimble's disgusting treatment by those pieces of filth. When i first learnt of this terrible crime against Ms Brimble I thought to myself there is no way ANYONE will walk away scot-free after the evidence and the pure characters of these so-called men. It saddens me that my 2 darling children will grow up in a world where something like this can happen and no one gets held accountable. I never had the chance to meet Ms Brimble but she has been in my heart ever since I was unfortunately made aware.of this horrific tragedy. The media photo of her smiling face and kind eyes told me she was a special lady with lots of loving family and friends. No-one should be subjected to such revolting and degrading behaviour Ms Brimble was subjected to. Rest in Peace Dear Ms Brimble and may your perpetrators rot in hell for eternity.

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14 years ago

You are beautiful no matter what they say..

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14 years ago

What a complete disgrace BUT typical of Australian backwoods 'justice'. The whole country might as well just stop the farce and admit that talibanistic-predatory types of men here can do any thing they like. I see the news blaming the media. No amount of media coverage can elaborate on or nullify this liar's various stories and the investigative report or the witness information or the photographs. Ms. Brimble, dear soul, may her death be counted for something towards fighting this nightmare-for-women-and-children-and-any-other-rape-victims that we call our justice system. I grieve at the lack of protection for all the good folk from people like those who abused Ms. Brimble. I grieve for Ms. Brimble and her dear family. A very special light in the world has gone out.

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14 years ago

I am so sorry to the family and frriends of Ms Brimble that justice HAS NOT been served. It is a terrible shame. I hope that as time goes on you can find peace and rest in the knowldge that many people support you.

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14 years ago

I like many others put our faith in the justice system to punish these maggots for what happened to this beautiful woman. I was absolutely sickened when I heard the outcome yesterday.......these animals are allowed to walk free amongst us. What an evil message this is to other predators of this nature.

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Chris Brookes
14 years ago

Like Robyn & the shocked people before her, I am totally gutted! To think that predators like these scum are out there looking for victims and the so called Australian Justice System backs these evil urchins. How I feel for her heart is heavy as I think that this could happen to a innocent loving woman, any woman...knowing that I have 2 daughters & nieces, friends daughters, a sister...what if this happened to them, where is the Justice, what the hell is our Justice system thinking by letting these impious creatures run free into our society to pray on the innocent. Who are the next victims...your daughter or mother or sister, what if this happened to there mum or sister..Yes it would be a different story! Mark Wilhelm and the other disturbed scum rot in hell, you’re almost there, I can tell you Karma will come your way, its not if but when... To Dianne’s family & friends may peace find you

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14 years ago

The Judge is an absolute disgrace in the fact that he didn't at aminimum accept the manslaughter plea!!! as most decent minded people would have expected. And I can't help thinking that if the victim had been a white middle class woman, the outcome might have been oherwise. I wish the Judge, Mark Wilhelm and the other creeps a miserable life, filled with deep pain, interminable suffering and unending injustice.

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14 years ago

I would like you to know that I am absolutely disgusted with today's outcome. For this to happen after all these years justice has certainly not been done. Dianne was treated by those animals in an absolutely disgraceful way and they should pay - all of them. What goes around comes around and one day they will be held accountable for what they have done and I hope they suffer. We have been on cruises and I am just so glad that I have never encountered creatures/predators like Dianne did. Just know that alot of people and everyone I have spoken about today's outcome is of the same opinion that there is no justice in the legal system here. My thoughts are with you all.

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Heidi Telfer
14 years ago

This is a heartfelt message to Dianne's Family, I so hope that at some point you will find peace and remember your beautiful Dianne for all the wonderful things she was and still I know you will all carry her each and everyday in your hearts. I am so sorry for all your pain, anguish, and the injustice you have suffered. Just hold on to your love for Dianne and it will see you through. She would be so pround of the way you have stood by her and shown her lasting dignity and respect and she so very much deserves (((((((((Hugs )))))) Much Love Heidi Telfer (NZ)

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14 years ago

my family and i do not know you or any of your family, but i truly wanted you and your family to know that australia i full of honest and loving people, our hearts do truly bleed for you and yours, we wish you and your loved ones peace, i am so so sorry to here that no on will be held accountable thanks to the so called justice system, i hope that carma will work its magic!

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I like many have read and listened to this case in apalled disbelief that in death this poor lady hasn't received the justice or respect she is entitled.She went on a cruise to have a good time .That this pack of predatory animals circled her and treated her with such disrespect and in their own cowardly and pathetic way they drag her good name through the mud to cover and protect their sorry arses.I can't believe that they have been able to walk away from this and I do believe it doesn't matter what each one of these fellows part in Dianne's drugging, rape (and it was rape because she was drugged) and death, they should have all seen jail.I wish Dianne peace and the same to all her loved ones. We had a friend who was drugged and raped by a doctor.She was fortunate or unfortunate that he under estimated how much of the drug she would need other wise this would have continued with her and maybe others that didn't wake up.I say this because in our small country town doctors are respected and hard to get and keep.My friend had to also fight most of the town as well as the doctor but thankfully she won in court. Hang in there I believe justice will oneday come to Dianne and you all. Karma xx

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Laura Cunningham
14 years ago

I have followed Dianne's story and am still appalled at the tragic way she died. I am angry and find it incomprehensible that ultimately no-one is held accountable. it was certainly not her plan to die on the 1st day of a voyage that she took her daughter along on. Someone massively intervened for that to happen. She clearly was a hard-working, respectable, dignified lady and for her to be treated with such disrespect and indignity is offensive. Times like this i am glad I am a Christian bcos I know that ultimately these people can not escape their retribution. It could have been one of my daughters that it happened to. My heart goes out to her family. The very worst thing about this is that they left her with shame on her and its their shame not hers!! Love you Dianne, you remind me of one of my own.

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14 years ago

I didn't know you but I do know you didn't deserve what happened to you. You didn't deserve to leave this world in such a dreadful way in the company of such awful men (they are monsters not men). Your memory will live on in the hearts of the people touched by your story and I wish only the best for your family and friends. May the memory of the lovely person you were live on in the hearts of your family and I pray the terrible things that happened to you on that cruise ship fades from their memories.

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14 years ago

I never met Dianne but i think it was very sad may she rest in peace x x x

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14 years ago

I am deeply sadened by what has happened to you & your family! I have sat here writing & then deleting things to say to you. I know nothing I can say will help ease your pain. You deserved so much better than this Dianne. I had never met you, but you will always have a place in my heart. All the best to your children, family & friends. I hope time helps to make this easier to live with.

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Jeni Gleave
14 years ago

i didnt know you but those who loved you did, i hear of a beautiful, vivacious, caring, loving, sweet, intelligent, devoted, valuable human being. I WISH so much you were here still and that i had never heard of you....because that would mean you were alive and well, surrounded by the people you loved and who loved you back...this world is a cruel and heartless one and we can only hope and pray for the day when all this will be no more..........take comfort in the thought that one day these evil and depraved men will meet their maker and will then have to atone for what they did to you.....bless you Dianne and rest peacefully until the day you are reunited with those who love you....

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14 years ago

I also did not know Dianne but this tragic event has felt very personal to me and my daughters. Every time I hear or see footage of this case I get so angry -and then I see the men from Diannes' life fighting for justice and honouring her memory with their constant dignified appearances - and my heart fills up. No other representation could serve a womans' memory for her children any better than for them to see their fathers stand publicly against the degredation and crime against this lady. Keep going Mark and David - there are so many of us on your side - these men should all go to jail for what they did - who taught them to disregard women? - there is something fundamentally wrong with the way they were socialised.

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15 years ago

My prayers and thougths are with the family of Dianne. What those horrid people did is disgusting and possibly the the worst thing a human being could do. As a mother, I pray for Dianne's children and hope they grow up to be strong people that Dianne would be so so proud of. To Mark - Keep fighting, for Dianne and the rest of the women in the world who are treated like this, and lets put a stop to it NOW! It's just so terrible. I know of these loosers from my past, and I can assure you they are the EVIL, HORRIBLE, and PERVERTED people they have been portrayed to be. I have no doubt justice will be served, and Dianne may some day rest in peace knowing this. The whole of Australia, and probably most of the world are behind you in what you are doing for her Mark and Family. I can not believe the trial has taken this long - What is wrong with our legal system????!!

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15 years ago

i dont know u but i think about you and the way u died i want like many others the truth to come out will remember u in only the highest love and respect just wanting to have a nice beautiful holiday and falling into the hands of the highest evil... may u rest in peace u beautiful soul my tears go to you just knowing u were treated this way...may u be remebered in soul and

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Mark Brimble
15 years ago


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15 years ago

Firstly thank you for creating this tribute site for Dianne, My cousin Di, How I miss you so! Your laughfter, smile, enormous generosity, a caring wonderful mother and loving sister, daugher, partner, cousin, friend etc. So many who knew Dianne would agree with me. I grew up with Dianne, we were all born in Papu New Guinea, our family sharing holidays, many gatherings. My fondest memories were Christmas holidays when I would come to Brisbane with my family and we would stay at the wood family home in Redcliffe, lots of fun and laughter and as we all grew older still we remained close. I have seen/heard of the tirless efforts of Dianne's family and Mark (ex husband) continually fight to bring justice to her brutal and horific death. The saddness and suffering you have all had to endure is beyond any words. Though I am far away my love and support and memories will continue and live on. The last time I saw Dianne was at the funeral of my own father, how she gave such love and support and brought happy thoughts to a family that was grieving, shortly after that I moved to the UK and never got the chance to see Di again, then I received the shocking news. Like many others I am sure, I still find it hard to believe she has gone let alone taken away from us so wrongly!!! I hope and pray that justice will be given to these men, though no punishment in my eyes could ever make it better, I hope they never walk from Jail. Sadly this tragedy happening and being in the public eye, will hopefully make other women aware of the predators that are out there using drugs in alcohol. Di'di you are forever in my heart. Nett.

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15 years ago

To the dear Brimble family, As a victim of sexual assault myself, I have watched the unfolding events of the case regarding your dear Mum and former wife and have felt immense pain and sorrow for you all. I have found some of the transcripts of interviews with the accused simply frightening in their content. These men walk our streets and that is frightening. Dianne would be proud of how hard you have fought for justice for her. Keep going and know that all good hearted Australians are behind you and would help in anyway we could. One only has to look at the photographs in the media of Dianne to see that she is absolutely NOT the person as described by the accused. Yes, you are tired but not beaten, well said. Keep going! Love from Kylie Wollstonecraft NSW

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Patrick Crowley
15 years ago

Trash reporting at it's best - Watch the so called 'journalists' go under cover on the Pacific Star cruise ship to 'investigate'

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Patrick Crowley
15 years ago

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Patrick Crowley
15 years ago

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Patrick Crowley
15 years ago

I hope these men get put behind bars. They're actions led to the death of a caring, loving mother and friend. She should still be here, looking over her children.

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