It all brings back what our family wasgoing through seven years ago when our only grandchild parished with three others just north of the Canadian boarder. My tears mingled with yours as I watched the memorial service. My prayers go out to the families of these fallen young men. Shirley Johnson

man o man i loved to check all of is firefightiner gear and one time we were standing in the livin room and i tried it on and i fell down because that stuff is so heavey i loved when i got to see him he would do anything for me and know that he is gone i will take after him follow in his foot steps and be the best helpful kid i can be
sincerly,Travis Wilson

man this is a crazy business we're that could happen to any body on behalf of me and my crew i wish the families the best and for the firefighters names to live on much love the truxton canyon crew

I did not know these brave crew members, but have friends from New Zealand over there.
~ You all gave the ultimate sacrifice, your life, doing something you believed in and loved doing ~
~ My thoughts and prayers go out to their loved ones, family, friends and colleagues ~
~ They were all steadfast and good men, they would have to be, because not just anyone can do this job... it takes a very unique type of person... man or woman ~
~ Once again, you sincere condolences ~
Debra De Sissing - DOC volunteer firefighter
New Zealand

My own daughter is a wildland firefighter in Oregon. When I heard the news I was devastated as so many others. My heart goes out to all of the families of the victims and you are constantly in my prayers. I can only imagine what you are going through but please know that you have the support of each and every family who has a loved one in this dangerous and courageous line of work. These brave men and women put their lives on the line every day but remember, they love what they do, and we love them for that.

--Regarding the reported S-61 firefighting helicopter crash in northern California killing 9 onboard on Tues. 8-5-08 I wish to comment that this is part of the terrible on-going tragedy that never seems to end under the leadership of top 'fire officials' who are still refusing the final solution of the 7 Supertanker jumbo jet water bombers that CalFire and USFS are still refusing to use (- see: evergreen supertanker (on internet) and, )! Supertankers would have STOPPED the fires in a few days if called in the BEGINNING of the fires but tragically never were. The bottom line is obviously that we are in a war against fire in our state and our so-called fire officials are depending primarily on ground troops and ignoring the heavy bombers, so to speak, which are the most strategic and final solution in the big picture. If we had fought WW-II this way we'd all be speaking Japanese right now, as the old saying goes. How anyone can fail to see that heavy water bomber jumbo jets are the immediate and final solution to our major wildfire problem is beyond me, which is why I keep fighting for this solution (now in the Yosemite area). Tragically, it appears too late for northern California but maybe we can get the Supertankers used UP FRONT in future fires. These fires are another tragedy imposed on our state by our top officials hiding behind their pressed uniforms and shiny badges as usual. This is a disgrace to California and the good people still left here, and it has been done to us by our own greedy top 'public safety' officials in the Fire Industrial Complex that are getting rich off our misery. Anybody who thinks our top officials in this state care anything about our welfare is a complete fool and is part of the problem, and we had better WAKE UP NOW because future fires are coming. Also see: (search: wildfire) for the forest management scandal.-- Ed Nemechek.- 760-246-8059 --

I will never forget when my Aunt Donna and Uncle Jim came home with baby Bryan, he was a joy to all of us in the family. I remember he received a stuffed racoon that he named Rocky and he went everywhere with Rocky. I also have fond memories letting Bryan sit in my lap and steering my car in the empty parking lot we had in our nieborhood. He loved to do that. I feel sad that it has been a few years since I had seen Bryan but all our memories together were always fun and had a great time together. We will miss him very much and our thoughts and prayers go out to all the families that have lost loved ones in this tragic accident.

My brother was killed in a helicopter crash on May 13, 2008 in Cranbrook, B. C. He was the pilot of the craft. I offer my condolences to the loved ones of the victims and all acident victims. My thoughts and prayers are with you always.

My son Bryan Rich, was a dedicated worker at whatever he did. A journenman carpenter who had to do something else to make ends meet, did his job with pride. His girl friend said people would tell him in stores thank you for the job he was doing. He planned to see about becoming a fireman after the season ended. Our loss is Heavens gain, he beleived in God and I know where his soul has gone. We miss him greatly, his smile and his sense of humor, and his capacity to be kind to everyone. We love you son. DAD and MOM.

I fought fires for 13 years, 4 of them with grayback out of Missoula Mt. It never fails to touch my soul when I hear of incidents like these. I still have friends fighting fire with Grayback and I want to offer my greatest sympathies for them and all firefighters and their families. stay strong!!! Dean Nicolai

Those brave firefighters are heroes in my eyes. Great courage is required in that line of work. It is of deep sorrow that we have lost nine of our finest. Condolences go out to their loved ones.