Merry Christmas 2010!
As you are a Heavenly Angel now,
We know you are all excited and look on us with glee!
As the Christmas Season is here,
We miss you, but know you are Present in Spirit!
Presents given, hugs given, food eaten, all in haste,
But the biggest gift of All, Christ came down from Heaven to be One,
With us!The biggest miracle of All, and we are so thankful!
We Love you Mom, and know you are with us through each magic
Moment of Peace and Love during the Holidays!
Love,your daughter
Cynthia :o}

Happy Birthday Mom,
We Love You Each and EVERY DAY!!!!!!!
Truett Jr. and Joan
Cindy and Henry
Paul and Jane, Anna & PJ
David and Terri Rachel,Joey,& Michael
Annette and Jerri, Katherine,and Jacob
Jackie and Tom, Mat,Gracie,and Emma
All the Dogs and Cats and Birds!!!
and also do not forget
Doggie Dew
and your special friend Charlie Sue!!!XXXXXXX oooooXXX

Betty loved to search for hours,
To find special yardsales.
We would drive all over
looking for odd & ends.
She would select carefully
different items, of clothes,toys,dishes,
each item she would save to give
Away to a very Special grandchild or son
or daughter,I would marvel at the
great joy she seemed to have.
It took very little money to find that
special gift,and it would bring her
Lots of Joy to tuck it away for a special
Occasion.I learned alot from her.Mom
you taught me how to
Enjoy the Simple Things in LIfe.
I hope to carry on the tradition as I
go wandering around looking for
my treasures to give to others!
Thanks Mom for this special fun lesson!
Your daughter,Cindy :o}

I saw a flock of geese today,
All jumbled upand gone astray.
Within a minute or 3 to be,
they finally lined up into a perfect V!
I knew exactly that you had sent me a sign,
No matter how mixed up life seems to be,
It will eventally fall back into place,with a
beautiful design. Cindy oldest daughter :o} 2 16 09

Mom LOVED Valentines DAY!
She spend many hours cutting out paper
Hearts and creating many paper Valentines,
for all her Children.
I still have some of her paper hearts.
She also loved chocolate candy so much!!!!!
She could not wait to dig in to any Heart boxes.
We would often walk down to the store the day
after Hearts Day to see what candy was on sale.
Both of us would Delight in the special Treats
of Chocolates on Sale,and eat also the whole
box as quickly as we could! Her favorite candy
was Reeces Peanut butter cups, and coconut
centered chocolates.
Yummy!!!!!!!!I will think of her whenever I eat
her Special Favorites!!!!!!!Love you Mom,Cindy:o}

My Mom
You Will Always be my Best Friend.
We shared secrets and good walks,
Lots of receipes and nice talks.
Mother of 6 children
and 10 grandchildren, how in the world did you
do it all?
You taught me how to Enjoy all the Simple
Free things of life,
and mostly how to to sit still and be quiet.
When you stop and be still, you may
just hear God talking to you,
You may hear the sounds of nature,
You may see the wonders of the world.
Be always thankful to God,and
remember how lucky you are to be alive
each day.
For one day soon, you will be in Heaven
and be looking down on your loved ones also.
Wishing them good luck and fortune.
Just for today, see how many people
you can touch,and God will Smile on you.
I hear you Mom and remember all
that you taught me,Thanks for being such
a Great Friend and Teacher.
Hopeful I am that perhaps I may
be able to touch as many people as you did.
Cindy your oldest daughter